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Headword: *(uperi/dhs
Adler number: upsilon,294
Translated headword: Hyperides, Hypereides
Vetting Status: high
Hyperides,[1] son of the rhetor Glaucippus (some say of Pythocles); of Athens. Rhetor; one of the ten ranked first.[2] He studied at the same time as Lycurgus with Plato the philosopher [and] Isocrates the rhetor.[3] He turned out an able orator, but had a weakness for women. He too was killed by Antipater the king,[4] who had him dragged out of the temple of Demeter in Hermione by Archias (nicknamed 'Exile-hunter'); his tongue was cut out, and he died. His son Glaucippus received his remains, and placed them in the family tomb. His speeches are 56 in all.[5]
Greek Original:
*(uperi/dhs, ui(o\s *glauki/ppou tou= r(h/toros, oi( de\ *puqokle/ous, *)aqhnai=os, r(h/twr, tw=n prw/twn kekrime/nwn de/ka ei(=s: maqhteu/sas a(/ma *lukou/rgw| [kai\] *pla/twni tw=| filoso/fw| [kai\] *)isokra/tei tw=| r(h/tori. kai\ a)pe/bh me\n decio\s r(h/twr, gunaikw=n de\ h(tth/qh: a)nh|re/qh de\ kai\ au)to\s u(po\ *)antipa/trou tou= basile/ws, e)cagago/ntos au)to\n tou= e)n *(ermio/nh| naou= th=s *dh/mhtros, di' *)arxi/ou tou= e)piklhqe/ntos *fugadoqh/ra, kai\ a)potmhqei\s th\n glw=ttan a)pe/qanen. o( de\ ui(o\s au)tou= *glau/kippos ta\ o)sta= labw\n ei)s to\ patrw=|on e)/qaye mnh=ma. ei)si\ de\ oi( pa/ntes lo/goi au)tou= n#2#.
[1] RE Hypereides; OCD4 Hyperides. Identical with [upsilon 295].
[2] OCD(4) pp.203-4, s.v. "Attic Orators".
[3] [iota 652] Isocrates; [pi 1709] Plato.
[4] The "too" implies a connection -- not actually explicit here -- with Demosthenes (see delta 454). For Antipater, see alpha 2703, alpha 2704.
[5] Other estimates are higher still. See Whitehead (below) 1-2.
J. Engels, Studien zur politischen Biographie des Hypereides (edn.2, Munich 1993)
D. Whitehead, Hypereides, the Forensic Speeches: introduction, translation, and commentary (Oxford 2000)
Keywords: biography; chronology; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; history; politics; religion; rhetoric; women
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 26 March 1999@11:31:34.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented headword, notes, bibliography) on 20 September 2000@10:22:15.
Patrick T. Rourke on 24 September 2000@12:13:17.
David Whitehead (augmented keywords; cosmetics) on 13 September 2002@10:00:00.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 9 October 2005@06:43:14.
David Whitehead (corrected one cross-reference; added more) on 6 April 2010@07:23:51.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 22 November 2013@04:57:25.
David Whitehead (updated some refs) on 2 August 2014@10:40:00.


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