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Headword: *qewriko\n
Adler number: theta,220
Translated headword: theoric payment
Vetting Status: high
and [sc. also attested is the cognate feminine form] qewrikh/;[1] there were common monies for the Athenians, which they called theorika, given to the Athenians for distribution. It was introduced in the following way. In former times, when a crowd would arise in the theatres and the foreigners would seize the seats beforehand, the theoric payment would be distributed to the citizens, which was two obols, so that, receiving it, the citizens might give it to the city as payment for a seat in the theatre. Accordingly, the manager of these monies was called the archon of the theorika. There were also other theorika, which the city distributed during the festivals.
Greek Original:
*qewriko\n kai\ *qewrikh/: *)aqh/nhsin h)=n xrh/mata koina/, a(\ qewrika\ e)kalei=to, dido/mena toi=s *)aqhnai/ois ei)s dianomh/n. proh/xqh de\ ou(/tws. to\ palaio\n o)/xlou genome/nou e)n toi=s qea/trois kai\ tw=n ce/nwn ta\s qe/as prokatalambano/ntwn, diedi/doto toi=s poli/tais to\ qewriko/n, o(/per h)=san du/o o)boloi/, i(/na tou=to lamba/nontes oi( poli=tai didw=sin au)to\ th=| po/lei misqo\n th=s qe/as. o( toi/nun e)pimelou/menos tw=n xrhma/twn tou/twn a)/rxwn e)le/geto tw=n qewrikw=n. h)=n de\ kai\ a)/lla qewrika/, a(\ diene/meto e)n tai=s e(ortai=s h( po/lis.
cf. theta 218, theta 219 (and theta 223). The present entry is also in Photius (Lexicon theta149 Theodoridis), and paralleled in other lexica; it derives from commentary on Demosthenes 18.113.
[1] For the feminine form, as an adjective, cf. under theta 218.
Keywords: chronology; constitution; daily life; definition; economics; history; law; politics; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Ryan Stone on 23 February 2008@10:17:31.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (cosmetics) on 23 February 2008@12:25:19.
David Whitehead (tweaked tr; augmented notes and keywords) on 24 February 2008@04:21:24.
David Whitehead on 1 January 2013@06:41:18.
David Whitehead (coding) on 28 April 2016@03:23:38.


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