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Headword: *trihrarxei=n
Adler number: tau,974
Translated headword: to be a trierarch
Vetting Status: high
Also [sc. attested is the related noun] trierarchy, an expensive liturgy in Athens. For it was necessary that a trireme have everything ready for war, and making these preparations was the task of the man appointed to this liturgy. Aristophanes [writes]: "I will personally make you be a trierarch".[1]
Greek Original:
*trihrarxei=n: kai\ trihrarxi/a, leitourgi/a para\ *)aqhnai/ois dapanhra/. e)/dei ga\r th\n trih/rh pa/nta e)/xein pro\s po/lemon eu)treph=, a(/per pareskeu/azen o( ei)s th\n leitourgi/an tau/thn problhqei/s. *)aristofa/nhs: e)gw/ se poih/sw trihrarxei=n.
cf. tau 975, tau 976, tau 977, and see generally Vincent Gabrielsen, Financing the Athenian Fleet (Baltimore & London 1994)
[1] Aristophanes, Knights 912 (web address 1), preceded by comment from the scholia there.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; economics; military affairs; science and technology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 12 November 2001@05:56:00.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (cosmetics, link, status) on 12 November 2004@01:29:45.
David Whitehead (more x-refs) on 12 November 2004@03:21:00.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 15 August 2011@07:25:05.
David Whitehead on 15 January 2014@06:12:00.


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