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Headword: *tra/gkullos
Adler number: tau,895
Translated headword: Tranquillus, Tragkullos
Vetting Status: high
Surnamed Suetonius.[1] Roman grammarian. He wrote On the Pastimes of the Greeks, 1 book; On the Festivals and Contests of the Romans, 2 books; On the Roman Year, 1; On [Critical] Signs in Books, 1; On Cicero's Republic, 1 -- [this] contradicts Didymus; On Proper Names and ...[2] shapes of clothes and footwear and other forms of dress; On Terms of Abuse - i.e. insults, and the origin of each; On Rome and its Laws and Customs, 2 books; Sungenikos; [Lives] of Caesars -- [this] contains their lives and successions from Julius to Domitian -- 8 books; Stemma of Distinguished Roman Men.
Greek Original:
*tra/gkullos, o( *seuhto/nios xrhmati/sas, grammatiko\s *(rwmai=os. e)/graye *peri\ tw=n par' *(/ellhsi paidiw=n bibli/on a#, *peri\ tw=n para\ *(rwmai/ois qewriw=n kai\ a)gw/nwn bibli/a b#, *peri\ tou= kata\ *(rwmai/ous e)niautou= a#, *peri\ tw=n e)n toi=s bibli/ois shmei/wn a#, *peri\ th=s *kike/rwnos politei/as a#: a)ntile/gei de\ tw=| *didu/mw|: *peri\ o)noma/twn kuri/wn kai\ i)de/as e)sqhma/twn kai\ u(podhma/twn kai\ tw=n a)/llwn oi(=s tis a)mfie/nnutai, *peri\ dusfh/mwn le/cewn h)/toi blasfhmiw=n, kai\ po/qen e(ka/sth, *peri\ *(rw/mhs kai\ tw=n e)n au)th=| nomi/mwn kai\ h)qw=n bibli/a b#, *suggeniko/n, *kaisa/rwn [perie/xei de\ bi/ous kai\ diadoxa\s au)tw=n a)po\ *)iouli/ou e(/ws *dometianou=] bibli/a h#, *ste/mma *(rwmai/wn a)ndrw=n e)pish/mwn.
[1] RE Suetonius(4); OCD4 Suetonius. Identical with [sigma 272] Suetonius.
[2] I suspect that another title and the beginning of a relative clause ('in which he describes...') have been lost at this point.
Keywords: biography; chronology; clothing; daily life; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; historiography; law; religion
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 26 March 1999@11:55:28.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (added keywords, raised status) on 8 May 2001@17:29:16.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 9 May 2001@03:14:04.
David Whitehead (activated x-ref in n.1) on 3 August 2006@09:04:35.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 15 January 2014@04:18:27.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 2 August 2014@11:23:16.
David Whitehead (coding) on 29 May 2016@05:11:20.


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