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Adler number: tau,620
Translated headword: Timotheos, Timotheus
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Son] of Thersander or Neomousos or Philopolis; Milesian; lyric poet. [It was he] who added the 10th and 11th string [to the lyre] and changed old-fashioned music into something softer. He lived during the times of
Euripides the tragedian, which are also those of the reign of king Philip of Macedon,[1] and he lived for 97 years. He wrote, in verses, 19 musical
nomoi, 36 proems, Artemis, 8 (?)performances, encomia,
Persians or
Daughters of Phineus,
Laertes, 18 dithyrambs, 21 hymns, and other works.
[Note] that[2] Alexander was as fond of listening to music as anyone. For, even earlier, Timotheos the piper, whom they say once piped the so-called
orthios nomos of Athena, so greatly amazed Alexander with his melodies that in the middle of listening he rose up to arms; and he said that that is what the royal pipe-tunes ought to be like. Naturally, this Timotheos, when sent for, went to him eagerly.
Greek Original:*timo/qeos, *qersa/ndrou h)\ *neomou/sou h)\ *filopo/lidos, *milh/sios, luriko/s: o(\s th\n i# kai\ ia# xordh\n prose/qhke kai\ th\n a)rxai/an mousikh\n e)pi\ to\ malakw/teron meth/gagen. h)=n de\ e)pi\ tw=n *eu)ripi/dou xro/nwn tou= tragikou=, kaq' ou(\s kai\ *fi/lippos o( *makedw\n e)basi/leuen: kai\ e)teleu/thsen e)tw=n #4z#, gra/yas di' e)pw=n no/mous mousikou\s iq#, prooi/mia l#2#, *)/artemin, diaskeua\s h#, e)gkw/mia, *pe/rsas h)\ *nau/plion, *finei/das, *lae/rthn, diqura/mbous ih#, u(/mnous ka#, kai\ a)/lla tina/. o(/ti *)ale/candros filh/koos h)=n ei)/per tis a)/llos tw=n mousikw=n: *timo/qeos ga\r o( au)lhth\s e)/ti pro/sqen, o(/n pote au)lou=nta le/gousi th=s *)aqhna=s to\n o)/rqion no/mon e)pikalou/menon, e)s toso/nde e)kplh=cai *)ale/candron toi=s me/lesin, w(/ste metacu\ a)kou/santa a)nai/+cai e)pi\ ta\ o(/pla: to\n de\ fa/nai, o(/ti toiau=ta xrh\ ei)=nai ta\ basilika\ au)lh/mata. ou(=to/s te dh\ o( *timo/qeos a)nelhlu/qei pro\s au)to\n spoudh=| meta/pemptos geno/menos.
c.450-360 BCE. See generally Bernhard Zimmermann in OCD(4) s.v.
[1] This synchronicity does not work, and Adler's apparatus notes some suggested solutions: change 'Philip' to Archelaos, or move this clause to follow 'and he lived for 97 years'.
[2] cf.
alpha 1122,
omicron 573. (This, of course, is a different Timotheos.)
Keywords: biography; chronology; ethics; geography; military affairs; meter and music; poetry; trade and manufacture
Translated by: David Whitehead on 8 April 2010@07:07:27.
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