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Search results for tau,465 in Adler number:
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Headword: *th/bennos
Adler number: tau,465
Translated headword: tebennos, toga
Vetting Status: high
A Roman garment, [named] from Tebennos, an Arcadian who first put on this outer-garment; for he sailed down the Ionian Gulf and was received by the settlers living there. Learning from him, the natives clothed themselves in the same way and called the garment a tebenneion,[1] named after the inventor. But subsequently the name changed and became tebennos.
Greek Original:
*th/bennos: *(rwmai+kh\ e)sqh/s, a)po\ *thbe/nnou *)arka/dos, o(\s prw=tos tau/thn th\n xlani/da perieba/leto: ei)spleu/sas ga\r kata\ to\n *)io/nion ko/lpon kai\ u(podexqei\s u(po\ tw=n tau/th| katoikou/ntwn. a)f' ou(= maqo/ntes oi( e)gxw/rioi to\n au)to\n e)neskeua/zonto tro/pon kai\ e)ka/loun th\n e)sqh=ta thbe/nneion, e)pw/numon tou= eu(ro/ntos. u(/steron de\ parafqare\n to\ o)/noma th/bennos e)klh/qh.
For this headword see already tau 464. (For 'toga' itself, see tau 1144.) The present entry follows Artemidorus 2.3.
[1] In Artemidorus, temeneion.
Keywords: aetiology; biography; clothing; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography
Translated by: David Whitehead on 24 March 2010@10:36:18.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (set status) on 6 April 2010@01:25:40.
David Whitehead (another x-ref; another keyword) on 6 April 2010@03:22:47.
David Whitehead on 12 January 2014@07:01:02.


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