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Headword: *turanni/wn
Adler number: tau,1184
Translated headword: Tyrannio, Tyrannion
Vetting Status: high
Son of Epicratides and Lindia, an Alexandrian woman; of Amisos.[1] He was surnamed Corymbus. He lived in the time of Pompey the Great and earlier; a pupil of (among others) Hestiaeus of Amisos,[2] who in fact gave him the name Tyrannio (because he ran down his fellow-pupils); previously he was called Theophrastus. Then he studied with Dionysius the Thracian in Rhodes.[3] As a sophist he was a rival to Demetrius of Erythrae.[4] He was taken to Rome, having been taken captive by Lucullus when he fought the war against Mithridates the king of Pontus. In Rome he gained distinction and wealth and purchased more than 30,000 books. He died in old age, paralysed by gout, in the 118th Olympiad, in the 3rd year of the Olympiad.[5]
Greek Original:
*turanni/wn, *)epikrati/dou kai\ *lindi/as *)alecandri/nhs, *)amishno/s. e)xrhma/tize de\ *koru/mbou, gegonw\s e)pi\ *pomphi/+ou tou= mega/lou kai\ pro/teron, maqhth\s a)/llwn te kai\ *(estiai/ou tou= *)amishnou=, u(f' ou(= kai\ *turanni/wn w)noma/sqh, w(s katatre/xwn tw=n o(mosxo/lwn, pro/teron kalou/menos *qeo/frastos. ei)=ta dih/kouse kai\ *dionusi/ou tou= *qra|ko\s e)n *(ro/dw|. a)ntesofi/steuse de\ *dhmhtri/w| tw=| *)eruqrai/w|: h)/xqh de\ ei)s *(rw/mhn, lhfqei\s ai)xma/lwtos u(po\ *loukou/llou, o(/te katepole/mhse *miqrida/thn, to\n *po/ntou basileu/santa. diapreph\s de\ geno/menos e)n *(rw/mh| kai\ plou/sios e)kth/sato kai\ bibli/wn u(pe\r ta\s trei=s muria/das. e)teleu/thse de\ ghraio/s, u(po\ poda/gras paraluqei/s, o)lumpia/di rih#, e)n tw=| g# e)/tei th=s o)lumpia/dos.
Early C1 BC. See generally RE Tyrannion(2); OCD4 Tyrannio(1); and cf. sigma 643 (end).
[1] See alpha 1599.
[2] Otherwise unattested.
[3] [delta 1172] Dionysius.
[4] RE Demetrios(105).
[5] So the transmitted numerals, but unacceptably as regards the Olympiad number: the result would be 306 BC. Adler prints this paradosis but does refer in her critical apparatus to several suggestions for emending it; the orthodox one (Bernhardy, Usener) has 188th, i.e. 26 BC.
W. Haas, Die Fragmente der Grammatiker Tyrannion und Diokles (SGLG 3, Berlin 1977)
Keywords: biography; chronology; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; medicine; military affairs; women
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 26 March 1999@11:45:21.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added note and keywords; cosmetics) on 11 September 2002@04:24:41.
David Whitehead (another x-ref) on 2 April 2008@07:47:43.
David Whitehead (another note and keyword) on 16 January 2014@06:51:36.
David Whitehead (tweaked tr; expanded n.5) on 24 March 2014@10:41:50.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 2 August 2014@11:26:25.


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