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Search results for sigma,644 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,644
Translated headword: crooked; crooked-song; skolion
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] that which is easy, by antiphrasis. A type of song with few verses.[1] "Of the human good things the one is more honored, the other secondary, as also
Plato says and as a skolion goes."[2] That is to say wealth and health.
Greek Original:*skolio/n: to\ r(a/|dion, kat' a)nti/frasin. me/los ti o)ligo/stixon. tw=n a)gaqw=n tw=n a)nqrwpikw=n to\ me\n presbu/teron, to\ de\ deu/teron: w(s kai\ *pla/twn fhsi\ kai\ to\ skolio\n a)/|dei. oi(=on plou=tos kai\ u(gi/eia.
The headword is a form of the adjective
skolio/s ('crooked') but is taken here as a related substantive formed from that adjective (but usually accented differently:
sko/lion) referring to a popular type of drinking-song. The latter seems to be the focus of this entry as it is in other entries nearby (with the same accentuation):
sigma 642,
sigma 643,
sigma 645.
[1] cf. scholium to
Plato Gorgias 451E, and
alpha 493;
Photius Library 421b (
Aelian fr. 343 Hercher; already quoted, with more context, at
alpha 4104 (likewise referring to
Gorgias 451E).
Keywords: comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; medicine; meter and music; philosophy; poetry; proverbs
Translated by: William Hutton on 26 February 2014@16:19:10.
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