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Adler number: sigma,515
Translated headword: Stheneboia, Stheneboea
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The wife of Proetus. She loved Bellerophon and she did not win him, on account of his temperance, so she slandered him to Proetus, [saying] that he wanted to commit adultery with her. And Proetus was enraged and sent him [Bellerophon] to Iobates, the father of Stheneboia,[1] so that Iobates might kill him: for Proetus did not want to kill him, since he had raised him as his own son. Iobates perceived that the accusation against him was a lie, and he spared Bellerophon. After the reign of Proetus, Acrisius ruled.[2]
The death of Stheneboia "became notorious". Meaning well-known.[3]
Greek Original:*sqene/boia: *proi/tou gunh/. au(/th filh/sasa to\n *bellerofo/nthn kai\ mh\ e)pituxou=sa dia\ th\n tou/tou swfrosu/nhn tou)nanti/on die/balen au)to\n tw=| *proi/tw|, w(s boulo/menon au)th\n moixeu=sai. kai\ a)ganakth/sas o( *proi=tos e)/pemyen au)to\n tw=| *)ioba/th|, tw=| patri\ th=s *sqeneboi/as, i(/na e)kei=nos au)to\n foneu/sh|: o( ga\r *proi=tos a)nelei=n au)to\n ou)k h)boulh/qh, e)peidh\ e)n ta/cei te/knou a)neqre/yato au)to/n. ai)sqo/menos de\ o( *)ioba/ths o(/ti yeudh/s e)stin h( kat' au)tou= kathgori/a, e)fei/sato tou= *bellerofo/ntou. meta\ de\ th\n basilei/an tou= *proi/tou *)akri/sios e)basi/leuse. qa/natos *sqeneboi/as a)na/pustos e)ge/neto. a)nti\ tou= fanero/s.
This is a version of the "Potiphar's wife" tale, in which a married woman tries to seduce a young man and upon being rejected tells her husband that he tried to seduce her. Another example in the Suda is the story of Atalanta: see
alpha 4309.
[1] See
iota 400.
[2] John of
Antioch fr.21 FHG, now 38 Roberto.
Nicolaus of Damascus FGrH 90 F9, quoted from
alpha 2041. (The phrase is actually used of her love, not her death.)
Keywords: biography; children; chronology; ethics; gender and sexuality; historiography; mythology; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 1 December 2000@12:38:31.
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