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Search results for sigma,361 in Adler number:
Adler number: sigma,361
Translated headword: Chaldaean Sibyl
Vetting Status: high
Translation: She is called Hebrew by some, also Persian, and she is called by the proper name Sambethe from the race of the most blessed Noah; she prophesied about those things said with regard to Alexander [sc. the Great] of Macedon; Nikanor, who wrote a
Life of Alexander, mentions her;[1] she also prophesied countless things about the lord Christ and his advent. But the other [Sibyls] agree with her, except that there are 24 books of hers, covering every race and region. As for the fact that her verses are unfinished and unmetrical, the fault is not that of the prophetess but of the shorthand-writers, unable to keep up with the rush of her speech or else uneducated and illiterate; for her remembrance of what she had said faded along with the inspiration. And on account of this the verses appear incomplete and the train of thought clumsy -- even if this happened by divine management, so that her oracles would not be understood by the unworthy masses.
[Note] that there were Sibyls in different places and times and they numbered ten.[2] First then was the Chaldaean Sibyl, also [known as] Persian, who was called Sambethe by name. Second was the Libyan. Third was the Delphian, the one born in
Delphi. Fourth was the Italian, born in Italian Kimmeria. Fifth was the Erythraian, who prophesied about the Trojan war. Sixth was the Samian, whose proper name was Phyto;
Eratosthenes wrote about her.[3] Seventh was the Cumaean, also [called] Amalthia and also Hierophile. Eighth was the Hellespontian, born in the village of Marmissos near the town of Gergition -- which were once in the territory of the Troad -- in the time of
Solon and Cyrus. Ninth was the Phrygian. Tenth was the Tiburtine, Abounaia by name. They say that the Cumaean brought nine books of her own oracles to Tarquinus
Priscus, then the king of the Romans; and when he did not approve, she burned two books. [Note] that
Sibylla is a Roman word, interpreted as "prophetess", or rather "seer"; hence female seers were called by this one name. Sibyls, therefore, as many have written, were born in different times and places and numbered ten.
Greek Original:*si/bulla *xaldai/a, h( kai\ pro/s tinwn *(ebrai/a o)nomazome/nh, h( kai\ *persi/s, h( kuri/w| o)no/mati kaloume/nh *sambh/qh, e)k tou= ge/nous tou= makariwta/tou *nw=e: h( tw=n kata\ *)ale/candron to\n *makedo/na legome/nwn proeirhkui=a: h(=s mnhmoneu/ei *nika/nwr o( to\n *)aleca/ndrou bi/on i(storh/sas: h( peri\ tou= despo/tou *xristou= muri/a proqespi/sasa kai\ th=s au)tou= parousi/as. a)lla\ kai\ ai( loipai\ suna/|dousin au)th=|, plh\n o(/ti tau/ths ei)si\ bibli/a kd#, peri\ panto\s e)/qnous kai\ xw/ras perie/xonta. o(/ti de\ oi( sti/xoi au)th=s a)telei=s eu(ri/skontai kai\ a)/metroi, ou) th=s profh/tido/s e)stin h( ai)ti/a, a)lla\ tw=n taxugra/fwn, ou) sumfqasa/ntwn th=| r(u/mh| tou= lo/gou h)\ kai\ a)paideu/twn genome/nwn kai\ a)pei/rwn grammatikw=n: a(/ma ga\r th=| e)pipnoi/a| e)pe/pauto h( tw=n lexqe/ntwn mnh/mh. kai\ dia\ tou=to eu(ri/skontai kai\ oi( sti/xoi a)telei=s kai\ dia/noia ska/zousa, ei)/te kai\ kat' oi)konomi/an qeou= tou=to ge/gonen, w(s mh\ ginw/skointo u(po\ tw=n pollw=n kai\ a)naci/wn oi( xrhsmoi\ au)th=s. o(/ti *si/bullai gego/nasin e)n diafo/rois to/pois kai\ xro/nois to\n a)riqmo\n de/ka. prw/th ou)=n h( *xaldai/a h( kai\ *persi/s, h( kuri/w| o)no/mati kaloume/nh *sambh/qh. deute/ra h( *li/bussa. tri/th *delfi/s, h( e)n *delfoi=s texqei=sa. teta/rth *)italikh/, h( e)n *kimmeri/a| th=s *)itali/as. pe/mpth *)eruqrai/a, h( peri\ tou= *trwi+kou= proeirhkui=a pole/mou. e(/kth *sami/a, h( kuri/w| o)no/mati kaloume/nh *futw/: peri\ h(=s e)/grayen *)eratosqe/nhs. e(bdo/mh h( *kumai/a, h( kai\ *)amalqi/a, h( kai\ *(ierofi/lh. o)gdo/h *(ellhsponti/a, texqei=sa e)n kw/mh| *marmissw=|, peri\ th\n poli/xnhn *gergi/tion, ai(\ th=s e)nori/as pote\ *trw|a/dos e)tu/gxanon, e)n kairoi=s *so/lwnos kai\ *ku/rou. e)na/th *frugi/a. deka/th h( *tigourti/a, o)no/mati *)abounai/a. fasi\ de\ w(s h( *kumai/a e)nne/a bibli/a xrhsmw=n i)di/wn proseko/mise *tarkuni/w| *pri/skw| tw=| thnikau=ta basileu/onti tw=n *(rwmai/wn: kai\ tou/tou mh\ proshkame/nou, e)/kause bibli/a b#. o(/ti *si/bulla *(rwmai+kh\ le/cis e)sti/n, e(rmhneuome/nh profh=tis, h)/goun ma/ntis: o(/qen e(ni\ o)no/mati ai( qh/leiai ma/ntides w)noma/sqhsan. *si/bullai toi/nun, w(s polloi\ e)/grayan, gego/nasin e)n diafo/rois to/pois kai\ xro/nois to\n a)riqmo\n i#.
For the block of Suda entries (mainly from
Hesychius of Miletus) on Sibyls see
sigma 254 though
sigma 362; and generally OCD4 1360-61.
[1] FGrH 146 F1.
[2] This seems to be a modified version of
Varro's list of the Sibyls.
[3] FGrH 241 F26b.
Keywords: biography; Christianity; chronology; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; history; meter and music; religion; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 18 February 2000@23:25:51.
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