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Headword: *serou/x
Adler number: sigma,253
Translated headword: Saruch, Seruch, Serug
Vetting Status: high
This man derives from the tribe of Japeth, and idolatry began with him: for he decreed that the best men of long ago be honored with images and statues and be reverenced as benefactors. And this man ruled until the times of Terah the father of Abraham. But Abraham was a righteous man and had come into the knowledge of God, and he had deemed that his father was deceiving men, by accustoming them to make obeisance to idols and statues and not to know God as the maker of all things. When he had crushed the works of his father, he retired from the mountains of Chaldean Carrhae, of the region between the rivers, and he settled in the parts of what is now called Palestine beyond the Jordan River, he and his kinsmen and Lot[1] the son of his brother, in the 75th year of his life. And so there were 1403 years from the flood until Abraham, and there were 3745 years from Adam until Abraham. And Abraham became quite wealthy in his many animals, and their settlement did not have room for them: and he granted to Lot to inhabit the regions beyond the Jordan: indeed during this time two cities were destroyed, Sodom and Gomorra,[2] when a divine fire fell down upon them, because they were insulting the strangers who were there.
Greek Original:
*serou/x: ou(=tos kata/getai e)k th=s fulh=s tou= *)iafe/q, kai\ a)po\ tou/tou h)/rcato h( ei)dwlolatri/a: e)dogma/tise ga\r ei)ko/si kai\ a)ndria/si tima=sqai tou\s pa/lai a)risteu/santas kai\ tima=sqai w(s eu)erge/tas. kai\ tou=to e)pekra/thse me/xri tw=n xro/nwn *qa/rra tou= patro\s *)abraa/m. *)abraa\m de\ di/kaios geno/menos kai\ e)s qeognwsi/an e)lqw\n kai\ logisa/menos, o(/ti o( path\r au)tou= tou\s a)nqrw/pous plana=|, paraskeua/zwn au)tou\s ei)dw/lois kai\ a)ga/lmasi proskunei=n kai\ poihth\n a(pa/ntwn mh\ gnwri/zein qeo/n, suntri/yas ta\ tou= patro\s e)/rga a)nexw/rhsen a)po\ *karrw=n o(/rwn *xaldai/wn th=s me/shs tw=n potamw=n xw/ras kai\ w)/|khsen e)s ta\ me/rh th=s nuni\ kaloume/nhs *palaisti/nhs pe/ran tou= *)iorda/nou potamou=, au)to\s kai\ oi( au)tou= suggenei=s kai\ *lw\t o( ui(o\s tou= a)delfou= au)tou=, e# kai\ o# e)/tei th=s e(autou= zwh=s. ei)si\n ou)=n a)po\ tou= kataklusmou= e(/ws *)abraa\m e)/th #22aug#, a)po\ de\ tou= *)ada\m e(/ws tou= *)abraa\m e)/th #22gyme#. e)ge/neto de\ *)abraa\m plou/sios sfo/dra e)n kth/nesi polloi=s, kai\ ou)k e)xw/rei au)tou\s h( sunoiki/a au)tw=n: kai\ e)/dwke *lw\t oi)kei=n ta\ pe/ran tou= *)iorda/nou: kaq' o(\n dh\ xro/non a)pw/lonto du/o po/leis, *so/doma/ te kai\ *go/morra, qei/ou puro\s katarrage/ntos e)p' au)ta/s, dio/ti tou\s pario/ntas e)nu/brizon ce/nous.
John of Antioch fr.9 FHG (4.546), now 17 Roberto. See further sigma 254 (and already alpha 69).
[1] cf. lambda 739.
[2] cf. sigma 764.
Keywords: art history; biography; chronology; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; religion
Translated by: Bobbiejo Winfrey ✝ on 7 August 2003@15:40:24.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (modified translation, added note and keyword) on 8 August 2003@01:20:56.
David Whitehead (supplemented headword; augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 8 August 2003@03:39:39.
David Whitehead on 23 December 2013@05:11:59.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 30 January 2015@04:20:40.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 6 February 2022@00:18:21.


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