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Headword: *safe/steron ei)pe\ ka)lhqe/steron
Adler number: sigma,163
Translated headword: speak more clearly and more truthfully
Vetting Status: high
"[Dionysus:] Now speak, [Euripides:] when we consider believable things now unbelievable, and unbelievable the things that are believable [Dion.:] How? I don't understand. Speak somehow more unsophisticatedly and more clearly." From the saying: tell me more clearly and more unsophisticatedly. And he [sc. Euripides] said, "if we should stop trusting those of the citizens whom we now trust, and use those whom we do not use ... [Dion.:] we would be saved. [Eur.:] If as things are we are having bad luck with these people, how would we not be saved by doing the opposite? [Dion.:] Bravo, Palamedes! You very wise soul! Did you come up with this yourself or did Kephisophon?"
Greek Original:
*safe/steron ei)pe\ ka)lhqe/steron: ei)=pe ga/r, o(/tan ta\ nu=n a)/pista pi/sq' h(gw/meqa, ta\ d' o)/nta pi/st' a)/pista. pw=s; ou) manqa/nw. a)maqe/stero/n pws ei)pe\ kai\ safe/steron. para\ th\n paroimi/an: safe/stero/n moi ka)maqe/steron fra/son. o( de\ ei)=pen: ei) tw=n politw=n, oi(=si nu=n pisteu/omen, tou/tois a)pisth/saimen: oi(=s d' ou) xrw/meqa, tou/tois xrhsai/meqa, swqei/hmen a)/n. ei) nu=n ge dustuxou=men e)n tou/toisi, pw=s ta)nanti/a pra/cantes ou) swzoi/meq' a)/n; eu)= g', w)= *pala/mhdes, w)= sofwta/th fu/sis, tauti\ po/ter' au)to\s eu(=res, h)\ *khfisofw=n;
The entry consists of a loose quotation of Aristophanes, Frogs 1442-1452, punctuated by comments from the scholia to line 1445.
Line-attribution here is that of N.G. Wilson's OCT, although Wilson follows other modern editors in transposing lines 1451-2 (from "Bravo.." to "...Kephisophon") to follow line 1441.
The present headword-phrase itself seems to be an error, with ka)lhqe/steron ('and more truthfully') substituted for the similar ka)maqe/steron ('and more unsophisticatedly') of the original. (The corrrect version occurs in the comment.) Also, the two adverbs are here reversed.
Both the passage and the scholion have already been quoted, more briefly, at alpha 1470 (q.v.). See also kappa 1568.
Keywords: biography; comedy; ethics; mythology; poetry; politics; proverbs; religion; stagecraft; tragedy
Translated by: William Hutton on 17 October 2013@08:45:30.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (another x-ref and keyword; tweaks and cosmetics) on 17 October 2013@09:22:22.
David Whitehead on 22 December 2013@08:24:16.


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