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Headword: *strathgi/a
Adler number: sigma,1168
Translated headword: generalship, office of general
Vetting Status: high
The rank.[1]
There are three ways by which one aims at generalship, approaching it rationally. One is through memoranda and preparation from them. Another is systematic, the advice handed down from men of experience. And the third is through habit and the experience of matters themselves. So says Polybius.[2]
"There are three ways in which all who approach it rationally aim at generalship. First through memoranda and preparation from them, another is systematic and the advice handed down from experienced men, and the third is through habit and the experience of matters themselves. The generals of the Achaeans were absolutely without conception of all of these things."[3]
Greek Original:
*strathgi/a: to\ a)ci/wma. trei=s tro/poi ei)si\ kaq' ou(\s e)fi/etai/ tis strathgi/as, kata\ lo/gon au)th=| prosiw/n: ei(=s me\n o( dia\ tw=n u(pomnhma/twn kai\ th=s e)k tou/twn kataskeuh=s, e(/teros de\ o( meqodiko\s kai\ h( para\ tw=n e)mpei/rwn a)ndrw=n para/dosis, tri/tos de\ o( dia\ th=s e)p' au)tw=n tw=n pragma/twn e(/cews kai\ tribh=s. ou(/tw fhsi\ *polu/bios. o(/ti triw=n o)/ntwn tro/pwn, kaq' ou(\s e)fi/entai pa/ntes strathgi/as, oi( kata\ lo/gon au)th=| prosio/ntes: prw/tou me\n dia\ tw=n u(pomnhma/twn kai\ th=s e)k tou/twn kataskeuh=s, e(te/rou de\ tou= meqodikou= kai\ th=s para\ tw=n e)mpei/rwn a)ndrw=n parado/sews, tri/tou de\ tou= dia\ th=s e)p' au)tw=n tw=n pragma/twn e(/cews kai\ tribh=s: pa/ntwn h)=san tou/twn a)nenno/htoi oi( tw=n *)axaiw=n strathgoi\ a(plw=s.
[1] cf. sigma 1166 and again sigma 1175, where this is the gloss for the noun stratei/a.
[2] The extract from Polybius (11.8.1-3; cf. generally 9.14.1-5) is in fact what now follows. What has gone before is a very close paraphrase of it.
[3] For this concluding sentence see already alpha 2273.
Keywords: definition; ethics; historiography; military affairs
Translated by: Debra Hamel on 16 November 1998@22:51:17.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes; cosmetics) on 22 May 2001@09:10:20.
David Whitehead (augmented keywords) on 16 February 2003@11:31:42.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 10 May 2011@07:46:37.
David Whitehead on 1 January 2014@07:26:15.
Catharine Roth (betacode) on 15 April 2022@01:09:26.


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