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Headword: *(rabdou=xoi
Adler number: rho,3
Translated headword: staff-men, beadles, lictors
Vetting Status: high
There were certain staff-bearers at the hearth [sc. in the theater in classical Athens], to keep the audience well-behaved. Or staff-bearers, [sc. meaning] the judges of the contest, [the ones] they call mediators. Aristophanes [writes]: "if any comic poet came forward to the audience and praised himself, the staff-men should beat him."[1]
Polybius [writes]: "a lictor from the general appeared, summoning the king".[2]
Greek Original:
*(rabdou=xoi: h)=san e)pi\ th=s qume/lhs r(abdofo/roi tine/s, pro\s eu)taci/an tw=n qeatw=n. h)\ r(abdou=xoi, oi( kritai\ tou= a)gw=nos, ou(\s ai)sumnh/tas le/gousin. *)aristofa/nhs: xrh=n me/ntoi tu/ptein te r(abdou/xous, ei)/ tis kwmw|dopoihth\s au)to\n e)ph/|nei pro\s to\ qe/atron paraba/s. *polu/bios: parh=n r(abdou=xos para\ tou= strathgou=, kalw=n to\n basile/a.
[1] Aristophanes, Peace 734-5 (web address 1, reading au(to\n rather than au)to\n), preceded here by comment from the scholia there; cf. alpha 1999.
[2] Polybius fr. 74 B-W.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; comedy; definition; ethics; historiography; history; military affairs; stagecraft
Translated by: David Whitehead on 16 June 2004@05:07:43.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (added link, set status) on 17 June 2004@12:42:12.
David Whitehead (augmented tr) on 17 June 2004@15:42:49.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics; raised status) on 19 June 2011@09:09:54.
Catharine Roth (typo) on 20 June 2011@22:05:58.
Catharine Roth (fixed link) on 19 September 2011@22:02:27.
David Whitehead on 24 October 2013@08:55:41.


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