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Headword: *pau=los
Adler number: pi,813
Translated headword: Paul, Paulos, Paulus
Vetting Status: high
This man was a contemporary of Mani;[1] by descent a man of Samosata,[2] [who became] president [= bishop] of Antioch the Great. [It was he] who blasphemously asserted that the Lord was a mere man, and the indwelling of God the Word occurred in him just as in each of the prophets; consequently also [he taught that there were] two separate natures in Christ having nothing in common with each other, so that the Christ was one thing and God the Word dwelling in him was something else. These [were] the first growings[3] of the wicked, slanderous attribution to Christ of only one nature and two natures, in the one case denying his divinity, in the other his humanity.
Thence [arose] also Paulicians.[4]
Greek Original:
*pau=los: ou(=tos e)ge/neto su/gxronos *ma/nenti, to\ ge/nos *samosateu/s, *)antioxei/as th=s mega/lhs pro/edros: o(\s yilo\n a)/nqrwpon ei)=nai to\n ku/rion e)blasfh/mhsen, w(/sper de\ ei)s e(/kaston tw=n profhtw=n, ou(/tw kai\ e)n au)tw=| gegenh=sqai tou= qeou= lo/gou th\n oi)/khsin. e)/nqen kai\ du/o fu/seis dih|rhme/nws e)xou/sas kai\ a)koinwnh/tous pro\s e(auta\s ei)=nai panta/pasin e)n *xristw=|, w(s a)/llou o)/ntos au)tou= tou= *xristou= kai\ a)/llou tou= e)n au)tw=| katoikou=ntos qeou= lo/gou. au(=tai me\n ai( prw=tai fuai\ tou= mi/an fu/sin kai\ ta\s du/o kakw=s kai\ dusfh/mws e)pi\ *xristou= le/gesqai, to\ me\n e)p' a)naire/sei th=s qeo/thtos, to\ de\ th=s a)nqrwpo/thtos. o(/qen kai\ *paulikianoi/.
On Paul of Samosata, see Catholic Encyclopedia entry at web address 1; Paulicians at web address 2. The present material on him comes from George the Monk, Chronicon 470.10-20, with only slight differences.
[1] Mani or Manes: mu 147.
[2] Present-day Samsat, in eastern Turkey; Barrington Atlas map 67 grid H1. Also famous as the birthplace of Lucian (lambda 683).
[3] The reading fuai/ "growings" stems from the excerpta of George Cedrenus, where the mss of George the Monk read fwnai/ "voices". The latter is clearly a lectio facilior: for the metaphor of 'poisonous weed' for heretical thought cf. the use of the verb a)nafu/w by George the Monk, PG 110, col. 536 (in reference to Mani's heresy) and 538 (to Apollinarius); see also the chapter on Theodore of Mopsuestia (col. 538; cf. theta 154), whose thought is defined the 'second sprout' (deute/ra bla/sthsis) of the same wrong ideas about Christ's nature. The comparison of heresy with weed is common in ecclesiastical writers: see e.g. Ignatius, Letter to the Trallians 6-7 mo/nh| th=| *xristianh=| trofh=| xrh=|sqe, a)llotri/as de\ bota/nhs a)pe/xesqe, h(/tis e)sti\n ai(/rhsis "you shall nourish yourself only with the Christian food, and keep away from the extraneous weed, which is the heresy".
[4] A marginal addition in mss AM; cf. mu 147 (end). The relationship linking the Paulicians to Paul of Samosata is indeed doubted; it seems to have been an opinion held by the opponents of the sect (cf. web address 2).
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; Christianity; chronology; geography; historiography; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 20 April 2005@20:02:37.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (tweaked translation; augmented notes and keywords) on 21 April 2005@09:24:22.
David Whitehead (another x-ref) on 21 April 2005@10:12:00.
Catharine Roth (corrected my typo) on 21 April 2005@12:18:33.
Antonella Ippolito (modified translation; augmented note; added references) on 29 April 2005@22:32:06.
Catharine Roth (betacode cosmetics) on 30 April 2005@15:58:35.
Catharine Roth (added keyword) on 3 October 2005@17:37:23.
David Whitehead (another keyword; tweaks and cosmetics) on 18 September 2013@05:33:02.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 20 July 2014@22:00:14.


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