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Headword: *pu/rros
Adler number: pi,3232
Translated headword: Pyrrhus, Pyrrhos
Vetting Status: high
This man crossed a second time into Italy, since affairs in Sicily were not proceeding to his liking because his leadership did not seem regal to the cities but despotic. For after being brought into Syracuse by Sosistratus, who held power in the city at that time, and by Thoinon the commander of the garrison, and having received from them money and some 200 bronze-rammed ships in all and having brought all of Sicily under his control except for the city of Lilybaeum,[1] which was the only city that the Carthaginians still held, he started exhibiting a tyrannical wilfullness. When the worst and most impious of his associates, Euegorus son of Theodorus, Balacrus son of Nicander and Deinarchus son of Nicias, saw that he was in a predicament and in search of any kind of revenues, being the adherents of the most godless and accursed teachings they propose to him a source of impious funds: the opening of the sacred treasuries of Persephone; for it was a shrine rich in gold, which had been kept untouched for all time. In it there was a sort of bottomless pit of gold, situated below ground out of the sight of the general public. Led astray by these toadies, and considering his need more important than anything, he employed as accomplices in the sacrilege the men [who devised] the plan, put the gold into ships and sent it off to Tarentum.[2] But righteous Providence put her power on display; for the ships were wrecked, and the gold was given back to the shrine.
Greek Original:
*pu/rros: ou(=tos die/bh to\ deu/teron e)s *)itali/an, ou) xwrou/ntwn au)tw=| tw=n e)n *sikeli/a| pragma/twn kata\ nou=n, dia\ to\ mh\ basilikh\n fanh=nai th\n h(gemoni/an, a)lla\ despotikh\n tai=s po/lesin. e)saxqei\s ga\r e)s *surakou/sas u(po/ te *swsistra/tou kratou=ntos th=s po/lews to/te kai\ *qoi/nwnos tou= froura/rxou, paralabw\n par' e)kei/nwn xrh/mata kai\ nau=s xalkembo/lous o(mou= ti s1# kai\ pa=san u(f' e(autw=| poihsa/menos *sikeli/an plh\n *lilubai/ou po/lews, h(\n e)/ti mo/nhn *karxhdo/nioi katei=xon, e)s au)qa/deian turannikh\n e)tre/peto. a)mhxanou=nta de\ au)to\n kai\ po/rous pantodapou\s e)pizhtou=nta o(rw=ntes au)to\n oi( ka/kistoi kai\ a)nosiw/tatoi tw=n fi/lwn, *eu)h/goros *qeodw/rou kai\ *ba/lakros *nika/ndrou kai\ *dei/narxos *niki/ou, tw=n a)qe/wn kai\ e)cagi/stwn dogma/twn zhlwtai/, po/ron u(poti/qentai xrhma/twn a)nosi/wn, tou\s i(erou\s a)noi=cai th=s *persefo/nhs qhsaurou/s: h)=n ga\r i(ero\n polu/xruson, e)k panto\s tou= xro/nou pefulagme/non a)/qikton e)/xon: e)n w(=| xruso/s tis a)/bussos, a)o/ratos toi=s polloi=s kata\ gh=s kei/menos. u(po\ tou/twn e)capathqei\s tw=n kola/kwn kai\ th\n a)na/gkhn krei/ttona panto\s h(ghsa/menos th\n gnw/mhn a)ndra/si diako/nois th=s i(erosuli/as e)xrh/sato kai\ to\n xruso\n nausi\n e)nqe/menos a)pe/steilen e)s *ta/ranta. h( de\ dikai/a pro/noia th\n au(th=s du/namin a)pedei/cato: e)naua/ghsan ga\r ai( nh=es, kai\ o( xruso\s a)pedo/qh ei)s to\ i(ero/n.
For King Pyrrhus of Epirus (319-272 BCE), see generally Peter Derow in OCD4 s.v. The present material is an abridgement of Dionysius of Halicarnassus, Roman Antiquities 20.8-9 (via Constantine Porphyrogenitus, Excerpta de virtutibus 2.81.13-83.13, abridged), with some errors. Partial quotations of the same passage at alpha 105, chi 439, and (very briefly) theta 527; cf. pi 507 and delta 368 for other events related to this episode.
[1] Modern-day Marsala, Italy, on the the west coast of Sicily; Barrington Atlas map 47 grid A3.
[2] In southern Italy, nowadays Taranto; cf. tau 112 and tau 113.
Keywords: biography; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; philosophy; politics; religion; science and technology; trade and manufacture
Translated by: William Hutton on 12 September 2013@23:22:59.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (expanded primary note; tweaks and cosmetics) on 13 September 2013@03:57:51.
William Hutton (typo) on 13 September 2013@05:23:09.
David Whitehead on 24 October 2013@06:07:23.
David Whitehead on 10 August 2014@07:27:22.
Ronald Allen (added geographical notes, added map note, added cross-references) on 10 July 2018@21:18:00.
Catharine Roth (tweaked cross-reference) on 30 December 2021@01:00:16.


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