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Search results for pi,2907 in Adler number:
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Headword: *prou)/pinen au)tw=|
Adler number: pi,2907
Translated headword: [he] drank to him
Vetting Status: high
"He in turn was relieved and praised Damas. And he drank to him and was full of erotic hopes."[1]
Greek Original:
*prou)/pinen au)tw=|: au)to\s de\ pa/lin e)koufi/zeto kai\ to\n *da/man e)ph/|nei. kai\ prou)/pinen au)tw=| kai\ mesto\s h)=n e)lpi/dwn e)rwtikw=n.
The headword phrase is presumably extracted from the second sentence of the quotation given. For the verb see pi 2906.
[1] The first of these sentences has long been regarded as coming from Iamblichus' Babyloniaca (fr. 12 Hercher); Adler tentatively attributed the second to Iamblichus or Aelian; nowadays both sentences are combined as Iamblichus, Babyloniaca fr. 18 Habrich.
Keywords: biography; daily life; ethics; food; gender and sexuality
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 15 October 2013@01:24:15.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (tweaked and expanded notes; more keywords) on 15 October 2013@03:10:53.
David Whitehead on 21 October 2013@05:44:01.
Catharine Roth (cosmeticule) on 7 December 2021@00:57:41.


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