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Adler number: pi,2473
Translated headword: Proclus, Proklos
Vetting Status: high
Translation: The Lycian, a student of
Syrianus,[1] and also a student of the philosopher
Plutarch son of Nestorius,[2] and he [
Proclus] himself a Platonic philosopher. He was the head of the philosophy school in
Athens, and his student and successor is called
Marinus the Neopolitan.[3] He wrote a great many works, both philosophical and grammatical. [He wrote] a
commentary on the whole of Homer, a
commentary on Hesiod's Works and Days, 3 books about
practical instruction, 2 about
education, 4 books
on the Republic of Plato,
On the Theology of Orpheus, the
Parallels between Orpheus, Pythagoras and Plato Concerning the Oracles, 10 books, [a book] about
the gods in Homer, [and] 18
Dialectical Proofs against Christians.
This man is
Proclus, the second after
Porphyry[4] to set his foul and insulting tongue in motion against Christians; [the man] to whom John wrote, the one called
Philoponus, who responded altogether marvelously to his 18
Dialectical Proofs and exposed him as unlearned and foolish even on Greek matters, on which he greatly prided himself.
Proclus wrote a book on the Mother,[5] which if anyone [were to] pick up and read, he will see that it reveals, with considerable divine inspiration, the whole theology surrounding the goddess, so that no longer is the hearing troubled by poorly resonating dirges.[6]
Greek Original:*pro/klos, o( *lu/kios, maqhth\s *surianou=, a)kousth\s de\ kai\ *plouta/rxou tou= *nestori/ou filoso/fou, kai\ au)to\s filo/sofos *platwniko/s. ou(=tos proe/sth th=s e)n *)aqh/nais filoso/fou sxolh=s, kai\ au)tou= maqhth\s kai\ dia/doxos xrhmati/zei *mari=nos o( *neapoli/ths. e)/graye pa/nu polla/, filo/sofa/ te kai\ grammatika/. u(po/mnhma ei)s o(/lon to\n *(/omhron, u(po/mnhma ei)s ta\ *(hsio/dou *)/erga kai\ *(hme/ras, *peri\ xrhstomaqei/as bibli/a g#, *peri\ a)gwgh=s b#, *ei)s th\n politei/an *pla/twnos bibli/a d#, *ei)s th\n *)orfe/ws *qeologi/an, *sumfwni/an *)orfe/ws, *puqago/rou, *pla/twnos peri\ ta\ *lo/gia bibli/a i#, *peri\ tw=n par' *(omh/rw| qew=n, *)epixeirh/mata kata\ *xristianw=n ih#. ou(=to/s e)sti *pro/klos, o( deu/teros meta\ *porfu/rion kata\ *xristianw=n th\n miara\n kai\ e)fu/briston au)tou= glw=ssan kinh/sas: ei)s o(\n e)/grayen *)iwa/nnhs, o( e)piklhqei\s *filo/ponos, pa/nu qaumasi/ws u(panth/sas kata\ tw=n i# kai\ h# e)pixeirhma/twn au)tou= kai\ dei/cas au)to\n ka)n toi=s *(ellhnikoi=s, e)f' oi(=s me/ga e)fro/nei, a)maqh= kai\ a)no/hton. e)/graye *pro/klos *mhtrw|akh\n bi/blon, h(\n ei)/ tis meta\ xei=ras la/boi, o)/yetai, w(s ou)k a)/neu qei/as katakwxh=s th\n qeologi/an th\n peri\ th\n qeo\n e)ce/fhnen a(/pasan, w(/ste mhke/ti qra/ttesqai th\n a)koh\n e)k tw=n a)pemfaino/ntwn qrh/nwn.
Keywords: biography; Christianity; chronology; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; gender and sexuality; geography; history; meter and music; mythology; philosophy; poetry; politics; religion; rhetoric
Translated by: Brian Dandurand on 10 December 2002@15:21:51.
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