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Headword: *pa/nta o)ktw/
Adler number: pi,225
Translated headword: everything eight
Vetting Status: high
Some say that Stesichorus[1] was buried luxuriously in Katane[2] by the gates that were called "Stesichorean"[3] after him; and his monument had eight columns and eight steps and and eight corners. Others [say] that when Aletes, following an oracle, urbanized the Corinthians, he divided the citizens into eight tribes and the city into eight parts.[4]
Greek Original:
*pa/nta o)ktw/: oi( me\n *sthsi/xoro/n fasin e)n *kata/nh| tafh=nai polutelw=s pro\s tai=s a)p' au)tou= *sthsixorei/ois pu/lais legome/nais, kai\ tou= mnhmei/ou e)/xontos o)ktw\ ki/onas kai\ o)ktw\ baqmou\s kai\ o)ktw\ gwni/as. oi( de/, o(/ti *)alh/ths kata\ xrhsmo\n tou\s *korinqi/ous sunoiki/zwn o)ktw\ fula\s e)poi/hse tou\s poli/tas kai\ o)ktw\ me/rh th\n po/lin.
Same or similar material in other lexica, and several of the paroemiographers; references at Photius, Lexicon pi168 Theodoridis.
For yet another (celestial) explanation of the headword phrase see LSJ s.v. o)ktw/ (web address 1).
[1] The poet: see generally sigma 1095.
[2] A Naxian colony on Sicily (kappa 669).
[3] Cross-referenced at sigma 1094.
[4] A similar figure in Corinth's mythology to Theseus in Athenian, he was also credited with the "urbanization" (sunoikismo/s) of the city; literally the "co-habitation," which was believed to have been the historical occasion when neighboring independent communities joined together to form a polis. N.F. Jones, 'The civic organization of Corinth', TAPhA 110 (1980) 161-193 (summarized in his Public Organization in Ancient Greece (Philadelphia 1987) 97-103) takes the Suda's information seriously and works through its implications.
For Aletes in Korinth see also J. Hall, Ethnic Identity in Greek Antiquity. Cambridge, 1997. 58-9
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: aetiology; architecture; biography; daily life; geography; history; poetry; proverbs; religion
Translated by: Alex Gottesman on 15 December 2002@16:43:31.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth on 15 December 2002@20:52:32.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 16 December 2002@03:02:22.
David Whitehead on 16 December 2002@03:03:32.
Catharine Roth (typos reported by Andrew Smith) on 10 October 2004@19:16:10.
David Whitehead (cosmetics) on 13 August 2013@08:24:05.
David Whitehead (augmented primary note) on 24 June 2014@06:02:42.
David Whitehead (coding) on 21 May 2016@09:47:34.
Catharine Roth (added a link) on 2 May 2021@01:01:51.


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