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Headword: *fili/skos
Adler number: phi,358
Translated headword: Philiskos, Philiscus, Philikos, Philicus
Vetting Status: high
of Corcyra, son of Philotas, tragedian and priest of Dionysus active under Ptolemy Philadelphus.[1] And the Philiscian meter[2] was named after him, since he indulged in it liberally. He is among the second rank of tragedians, who are seven and were nicknamed the 'Pleiad'.[3] His tragedies number 42.[4]
Greek Original:
*fili/skos, *kerkurai=os, *filw/tou ui(o/s, tragiko\s kai\ i(ereu\s tou= *dionu/sou e)pi\ tou= *filade/lfou *ptolemai/ou gegonw/s. kai\ a)p' au)tou= to\ *fili/skion me/tron proshgoreu/qh, e)pei/per au)tw=| e)nedayileu/eto. e)/sti de\ th=s deute/ras ta/cews tw=n tragikw=n, oi(/tine/s ei)sin z# kai\ e)klh/qhsan *plei/as. ai( de\ tragw|di/ai au)tou= ei)si mb#.
The Suda's headword is Philiskos (Philiscus), but Philikos (Philicus), in Hephaestion (cf. n. 2 below) appears to be the more authentic -- making him out of alphabetical order here. On this issue and in general, see: RE s.v. Philiskos; Kleine Pauly, Nachtrage s.v. Philiskos; OCD(4) s.v. Philicus; Snell, TrGF 104; R. Pfeiffer, History of Classical Scholarship (Oxford, 1968) 157; P.M. Fraser, Ptolemaic Alexandria (Oxford, 1972) vol. 1, 651-652.
[1] Philadelphus reigned 285-246 BCE. The dates of Philiscus are unknown, but an epitaph (Supplementum Hellenisticum 980) by an unknown Hellenistic poet survives.
[2] The stichic choriambic hexameter (cf. Hephaestion [p. 30 Consbruch]).
[3] See generally Pfeiffer 119, 160-161; for other members of the 'Pleiad' cf. alpha 1127, delta 1169, lambda 827, omicron 253, sigma 860, sigma 863, tau 894.
[4] No titles or fragments of these are preserved, though a Themistokles has been conjectured. Substantial fragments are preserved of his Hymn to Demeter (Supplementum Hellenisticum frs. 676-680), addressed to the grammatikoi.
Keywords: biography; chronology; geography; meter and music; poetry; religion; tragedy
Translated by: Chad Schroeder on 18 April 2004@23:53:46.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (cosmetics, status) on 19 April 2004@02:11:18.
Catharine Roth (coded titles) on 19 April 2004@13:11:28.
David Whitehead (added alternative headwords; augmented primary note, and keywords; other cosmetics) on 20 April 2004@08:14:32.
David Whitehead (another keyword; tweaking) on 10 December 2013@05:54:56.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 2 August 2014@10:24:11.
Catharine Roth (more coding) on 21 February 2023@15:12:42.


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