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Search results for omicron,253 in Adler number:
Adler number: omicron,253
Translated headword: Homer
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Son of
Andromachus and
Myro, a woman of
Byzantium.[1] Grammarian and tragic poet; hence he was counted as one of the seven who hold the second rank among the tragic poets and were nicknamed the 'Pleiad'.[2] Floruit in the 124th Olympiad;[3] he wrote 45 tragedies.
Greek Original:*(/omhros: *)androma/xou kai\ *murou=s *buzanti/as, grammatiko\s kai\ tragw|diw=n poihth/s: dio\ sunhriqmh/qh toi=s e(pta/, oi(\ ta\ deuterei=a tw=n tragikw=n e)/xousi kai\ e)klh/qhsan th=s *pleia/dos. h)/kmazen o)lumpia/di rkd#. e)/graye de\ tragw|di/as me#.
Keywords: biography; chronology; epic; geography; tragedy; women
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 17 May 2002@22:56:25.
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