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Search results for omicron,210 in Adler number:
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Headword: *(olofe/rnhs
Adler number: omicron,210
Translated headword: Holofernes, Holophernes
Vetting Status: high
Generalissimo of Kambyses,[1] son of Kyros/Cyrus. Kambyses was waging a war against Arphazad,[2] king of the Medes, and sought an alliance from all the peoples as far as Egypt. When they had not given him one, he followed his victory against Arphazad by starting a war against those who had not helped him, sending off Holofernes with a large army; and he overpowered them all. Arriving at the Jewish city of Betyloua,[3] he despatched his general Achior, threatening to kill him if he did not take the city. Achior gained control of the waters and readily compelled the city to surrender to him. But Judith went out, decorated like a bride, and beheaded Holofernes; and the city was saved.
And [sc. the name] declines [Holofern]ou.
Greek Original:
*(olofe/rnhs, a)rxistra/thgos *kambu/sou, ui(ou= *ku/rou. po/lemon de\ e)/xwn o( *kambu/shs pro\s *)arfaza/d, basile/a *mh/dwn, kai\ summaxi/an ai)th/sas para\ tw=n e)qnw=n a(pa/ntwn e(/ws *ai)gu/ptou kai\ mh\ dedwko/twn au)tw=|, meta\ to\ nikh=sai *)arfaza\d po/lemon e)/qeto kata\ tw=n mh\ dedwko/twn au)tw=| boh/qeian, a)postei/las *(olofe/rnhn meta\ duna/mews pollh=s: o(\s pa/ntwn e)kra/thsen. e)lqw\n de\ peri\ *betulou/an th\n tw=n *)ioudai/wn po/lin a)pe/steilen *)axi/wr to\n strathgo\n au)tou=, e)papeilh/sas au)tw=|, ei) mh\ e(/loito th\n po/lin, a)nairh/sein au)to/n. o( de\ *)axi/wr krath/sas ta\ u(/data h)na/gkasen e(toi/mws e)/xein e)kdou=nai au)tw=| th\n po/lin. h( de\ *)ioudh\q e)celqou=sa kekosmhme/nh w(s nu/mfh a)pekefa/lise to\n *(olofe/rnhn, kai\ e)sw/qh h( po/lis. kai\ kli/netai ei)s ou.
See already at the 'Judith' entries (iota 430, iota 431).
[1] Of Nebuchadnezzar in other versions.
[2] This name is spelled *)arfaca/d in other sources, and the editio princeps of Demetrius Chalcocondyles adopted this spelling.
[3] Taken to be Meselieh.
Keywords: biography; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; religion; women
Translated by: David Whitehead on 7 December 2009@06:27:21.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (added note and keywords, set status) on 7 December 2009@12:02:42.
David Whitehead (more notes) on 8 December 2009@03:10:23.
David Whitehead on 25 June 2013@03:16:54.
Catharine Roth (my typo) on 19 May 2015@01:13:44.


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