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Search results for nu,240 in Adler number:
Adler number: nu,240
Translated headword: neosoikoi, shipsheds
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning] buildings, beside the sea, built for the reception of ships, when they are not at sea.[1]
[It is said] that Polykrates, tyrant of the Samians, imprisoned in shipsheds the children and wives of the citizens who were his subjects and kept them in readiness, in case those [men] should betray [him] to his attackers, in order to burn them [along with] the shipsheds themselves.[2]
Greek Original:*new/soikoi: oi)kh/mata para\ th=| qala/ssh| oi)kodomou/mena ei)s u(podoxh\n new=n, o(/te mh\ qalatteu/oien. o(/ti *polukra/ths o( *sami/wn tu/rannos tw=n u(f' e(wutw=| o)/ntwn polihte/wn ta\ te/kna kai\ ta\s gunai=kas e)s newsoi/kous suneilh/sas ei)=xen e(toi/mous, h)\n a)/ra prodidw=sin ou(=toi pro\s tou\s katio/ntas, u(poprh=sai au)toi=si toi=si newsoi/koisi.
[1] Likewise or similarly in other lexica: references at
Photius nu167 Theodoridis. For this headword cf. already under
nu 235.
Herodotus 3.45.4 (web address 1)
For Polykrates' tyranny see generally G. Shipley, A History of Samos 800-188 BC (Oxford 1987) chapters 4-5
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: architecture; biography; children; definition; ethics; geography; historiography; history; politics; science and technology; women
Translated by: D. Graham J. Shipley on 13 October 2000@13:28:03.
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