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Search results for mu,692 in Adler number:
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Headword: *metadiw=cai
Adler number: mu,692
Translated headword: to pursue, to investigate
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] to search for, to discover.[1] "[Him] leaving with the necessaries [= provisions] to investigate a territory of others."[2]
Greek Original:
*metadiw=cai: e)pizhth=sai, e)feurei=n. meta\ tw=n e)pithdei/wn u(pecelqo/nta e(te/rwn metadiw=cai xw/ran.
[1] The headword is aorist active infinitive of metadiw/kw, presumably extracted from the quotation given. See generally LSJ s.v. metadiw/kw, 2.
[2] The ultimate source of this historiographical quotation is unknown. Adler indicates that it came to the Suda via the excerpts made for Constantine Porphyrogenitus. See also at sigma 1472, which has differences (notably a plural participle).
Keywords: biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; historiography; history; military affairs
Translated by: Nick Nicholas on 26 May 2009@20:59:16.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (tweaks, keywords, status) on 26 May 2009@23:40:33.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 27 May 2009@03:57:48.
David Whitehead on 17 May 2013@06:29:05.


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