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Headword: *massana/sshs
Adler number: mu,244
Translated headword: Massanasses, Masinissa
Vetting Status: high
The king of the Numidians, he was a man lucky in everything; when he had been deprived of his ancestral kingdom by the Carthaginians and Syphax, heaven allowed him to recover it and expand it to the greatest extent, from the land of the Mauritians by the ocean as far as the kingdom of the Cyrenaeans inland, to cultivate a great deal of land (when for the most part the Numidians had been eating [grass][1] because the land was uncultivated), to leave behind great treasuries of funds and a large trained army. Of his enemies, [heaven allowed him] to take Syphax prisoner by his own hand and to be the cause of the destruction of Carthage, leaving it utterly weak for the Romans. He was large in body and strong well into old age and up until his death he could mount a horse without an anaboleus.[2] And I will prove his strength especially with this great piece of evidence: while he had many children who were born and died, there were never less than 10 [sc. who survived].[3] He left behind at age ninety a child of four years old. And at such an age and with such a body he died.
Greek Original:
*massana/sshs, o( tw=n *noma/dwn basileu/s, a)nh\r h)=n e)s pa/nta e)pituxh/s, w(=| th\n me\n a)rxh\n th\n patrw/|an qeo\s e)/dwken a)faireqe/nti pro\s *karxhdoni/wn kai\ *su/fakos a)nalabei=n kai\ proagagei=n e)pi\ me/giston, a)po\ *maurousi/wn tw=n par' w)keanw=| me/xri th=s *kurhnai/wn a)rxh=s e)s ta\ meso/geia, h(merw=sai de\ gh=n pollh/n, ta\ polla\ tw=n *noma/dwn dia\ to\ a)gew/rghton tw=n fagou/ntwn, qhsaurou/s te mega/lous xrhma/twn katalipei=n, kai\ stratia\n pollh\n gegumnasme/nhn, tw=n de\ e)xqrw=n *su/faka me\n ai)xma/lwton e(lei=n au)toxeiri/, *karxhdo/ni d' ai)/tion th=s a)nasta/sews gene/sqai, pa/mpan au)th\n a)sqenh= *(rwmai/ois u(polipo/nta. e)/fu de\ kai\ to\ sw=ma me/gas te kai\ eu)/rwstos e)s gh=ras polu/, kai\ me/xri tou= qana/tou, i(/ppou te xwri\s a)nabole/ws e)pe/baine. kai\ megi/stw| dh\ tw=|de tekmhriw/sw ma/lista th\n eu)rwsti/an au)tou=: pollw=n ga\r au)tw=| pai/dwn ginome/nwn te kai\ a)poqnhsko/ntwn, ou)/pote me\n h)=san au)tw=| mei/ous i#: tetraete\s de\ paidi/on e)nenhkontou/ths a)pe/lipe. kai\ w(=|de me\n xro/nou te kai\ sw/matos e)/xwn e)teqnh/kei.
Mas(s)inissa, b. 238 BCE, was king of Numidia from c.203 until his death in 148. See generally J.F. Lazenby in OCD(4) s.v.
The substance of this entry is from Appian, Libyca 499-500. See also alpha 1811, alpha 2080 and esp. mu 245.
[1] Appian has pohfagou/ntwn ('eating grass'); the Suda generalises this to fagou/ntwn ('eating').
[2] On this term (here and elsewhere) see the note at alpha 1811.
[3] For one of them see mu 1046.
Keywords: agriculture; biography; botany; children; daily life; economics; food; geography; historiography; history; medicine; military affairs; religion; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 17 June 2009@01:20:47.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 17 June 2009@03:38:27.
William Hutton (tweaked tr., added note) on 17 June 2009@12:17:25.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaking) on 8 May 2013@07:04:48.
David Whitehead on 9 August 2014@07:26:53.
David Whitehead (tweaked tr; another note) on 28 June 2015@07:50:58.


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