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Headword: *ma/rkos
Adler number: mu,214
Translated headword: Marcus
Vetting Status: high
[Marcus,] the one also [called] Antoninus; emperor of [the] Romans,[1] the philosopher admirable in every respect. He attended the lectures of many different [instructors], but ultimately ended up as a student of Sextus, a philosopher from Boeotia, in Rome itself, seeking him out and going to [his] house. A certain rhetorician named Lucius, an associate of the rhetorician Herodes Atticus, asked him, as he was going out, where he was going and why. And Marcus responded, "[It is] good even for an aging man to learn. I am on my way to Sextus the philosopher to learn things I do not yet know." And Lucius lifted up his hand to heaven and said "o Helios, the emperor of Rome in his old age is still taking up his slate and going to his teacher's house. But my king Alexander died at thirty-two."[2]
This man recorded the conduct of his own life in 12 books.[3]
Greek Original:
*ma/rkos, o( kai\ *)antwni=nos, basileu\s *(rwmai/wn o( e)paineto\s kata\ pa/nta filo/sofos: a)kroath\s me\n kai\ a)/llwn pollw=n geno/menos. u(/steron de\ dih/kouse *se/ctou, e)k *boiwti/as filoso/fou, e)p' au)th=s *(rw/mhs, qami/zwn au)tw=| kai\ foitw=n e)pi\ qu/ras: pro\s o(\n kai\ *lou/kio/s tis r(h/twr, gnw/rimos *(hrw/dou tou= *)aqhnai/ou r(h/toros, h)/reto proi+o/nta, poi= badi/zoi kai\ e)f' o(/ ti. kai\ o( *ma/rkos, kalo/n, e)/fh, kai\ ghra/skonti to\ manqa/nein. ei)=mi dh\ pro\s *se/cton to\n filo/sofon maqhso/menos a(\ ou)/pw oi)=da. kai\ o( *lou/kios e)ca/ras th\n xei=ra ei)s to\n ou)rano/n, w)= h(/lie, e)/fh, o( *(rwmai/wn basileu\s ghra/skwn h)/dh de/lton e)faya/menos e)s didaska/lou foita=|. o( de\ e)mo\s basileu\s *)ale/candros du/o kai\ tria/konta e)tw=n a)pe/qanen. ou(=tos e)/graye tou= i)di/ou bi/ou a)gwgh\n e)n bibli/ois ib#.
[1] i.e. Marcus Aurelius, emperor 161-180 CE. See generally OCD(4) pp.210-11; and again mu 215 and mu 216.
[2] The anecdote is drawn from Philostratus, Lives of the Sophists 2.9. This "Alexander" is Alexander the Great (356-323 BC), and Lucius calls him "my" king simply on the basis that he too was Greek.
[3] Both this division and the title Meditations are modern.
Keywords: biography; ethics; geography; history; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: Gregory Hays on 19 November 2000@14:39:56.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes; added bibliography and keywords; cosmetics) on 24 May 2001@09:56:25.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaking; raised status) on 7 May 2013@04:34:48.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 9 August 2014@07:21:47.


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