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Headword: *markiano/s
Adler number: mu,209
Translated headword: Markianos, Marcianus, Marcian
Vetting Status: high
This man[1] was at his height in the time of Zeno. He continued in the chapel to which he was elected presbyter. Obtaining the greatest wealth from Illus[2] and corrupting himself day by day with Epicurean precepts, this infidel said that the universe was self-engendered and arranged not by God, but by the activity of the stars. For just as each of them will come beforehand borne around together with their rotation, they are assigned pre-eminence according to the influence of those which are coming into being.
Greek Original:
*markiano/s: ou(=tos e)pi\ *zh/nwnos h)/kmazen. e)n w(=| de\ h)=n eu)kthri/w| presbu/teros xeirotonhqei/s, diete/lei. megi/sths de\ e)cousi/as tuxw\n para\ *)/illou ou(=tos o( pla/nos kai\ toi=s *)epikourei/ois do/gmasin o(shme/rai au(to\n kaku/nwn, au)tofuh= e)/lege to\n ko/smon kai\ dioikei=sqai ou)k e)k qeou=, a)ll' e)c e)nergei/as th=s tw=n a)ste/rwn. kaqo\ ga\r e(/kaston au)tw=n th=| tou/twn fqa/sei sumperifero/menon dinh/sei, tw=n kat' au)th\n tiktome/nwn th\n r(oph\n th\n e)pikratei/an klhrou=ntai.
[1] For homonyms see mu 207, mu 208.
[2] On Illus and the revolt of Marcian, see Hugh Elton's entry on Zeno at De imperatoribus Romanis (web address 1); cf. pi 137.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; Christianity; chronology; economics; ethics; historiography; history; philosophy; religion; science and technology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 16 April 2008@13:43:40.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation, added note) on 16 April 2008@14:42:00.
Catharine Roth (removed my erroneous note, added link and cross-references) on 16 April 2008@14:57:02.
David Whitehead (x-refs; another keyword; tweaks) on 17 April 2008@03:13:43.
David Whitehead on 6 May 2013@08:42:09.
Catharine Roth (tweaked note) on 12 July 2020@01:11:43.


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