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Headword: *markelli=nos
Adler number: mu,202
Translated headword: Markellinos, Marcellinus
Vetting Status: high
A good and noble man. He ruled over Dalmatia, after the Illyrians had settled in Epirus. He had had a Roman education and had become expert in divination as well as general culture. He held his authority independently, subject neither to the Roman empire nor to any other ruler of the nations; but he was autonomous, leading his subjects with justice. He had sufficient wisdom in government and marvelous courage well-tested in warfare.[1] The philosopher Sallustius was at his court.[2]
Greek Original:
*markelli=nos, a)nh\r e)pieikh\s kai\ gennai=os, e)duna/steue me\n *dalma/tas, e)n *)hpei/rw| katw|khme/nwn *)illuriw=n, e)pepai/deuto de\ th\n *(rwmai/+da paidei/an kai\ mantikh=s e)mpeiro/tatos e)gego/nei kai\ ta)/lla filologw/tatos: o(\s e)leuqe/ran e)ke/kthto th\n a)rxh/n, ou)/te *(rwmai/wn basilei/a| douleu/wn ou)/te a)/llw| dunasteu/onti tw=n e)qnw=n ou)deni/, a)ll' h)=n au)to/nomos, meta\ dikaiosu/nhs e)chgou/menos tw=n u(phko/wn. parh=n de\ au)tw=| kai\ fro/nhsis i(kanh\ politeu/matos kai\ a)ndrei/a qaumasth/, memelethkui=a ta\ pro\s po/lemon: w(=| sunh=n *salou/stios o( filo/sofos.
On Marcellinus, see PLRE II 'Marcellinus 6'; in the Suda, epsilon 3748 and pi 1652.
[1] Damascius, Life of Isidore fr. 158 Zintzen, 91 Asmus, 69A Athanassiadi; cf. Photius, Bibliotheca 342b4.
[2] See sigma 63 (Damascius fr. 147 Zintzen, 88 Asmus, 69D Athanassiadi.)
Keywords: biography; chronology; constitution; ethics; geography; history; military affairs; philosophy; politics; religion
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 31 March 2004@01:27:09.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented refs and x-refs; cosmetics) on 31 March 2004@02:32:07.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 21 April 2008@09:45:59.
Catharine Roth (typo) on 21 April 2008@10:04:15.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 6 May 2013@08:29:25.


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