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Headword: *mnh/mh
Adler number: mu,1155
Translated headword: memory
Vetting Status: high
[Note] that in the soul there is hope of what is expected, perception of what is present, and memory of what is absent.[1]
Concerning memory. [Note] that the soul will have nothing that came to it from combination with the body, such as thinking. So it does not remember, either. For when its knowledge is slipping away and it requires memory for the retention of what was known, but then knowledge does not have a before and an after, except for handling the theoretical issues, but it always stands firm and is examined in the now. And after the body, since [the soul] stands firm and applies knowledge to the same things, it does not require memory. For the retention of what was known long ago is memory.[2]
Memory is a state capable of retaining a belief.[3] Aristotle established certain topics in On memory and On sleep and On divination in sleep, [topics] through which recollecting [derives] not only from the contraries but also from what is similar, and from some other [types] of thing. For these topics become causes of recollecting for us. For through contraries, so to speak, [i.e.] by passing directly over into what has been said of the contraries, we recollect this: from bitter, sweet; from white, black; from cold, heat.
[Note] that there are three parts of readiness in learning: tight-witted, memory, acuity. Memory is the preservation of what one learned; acuity is the swiftness of thought; tight-witted is from something which one has learned searching out also what one has not [yet] learned.[4]
Greek Original:
*mnh/mh: o(/ti e)n th=| yuxh=| tou= me\n prosdokwme/nou e)sti\n e)lpi/s, tou= de\ paro/ntos ai)/sqhsis, tou= de\ a)po/ntos mnh/mh. peri\ mnh/mhs. o(/ti ou)de\n e(/cei h( yuxh\ a(/per e)k th=s sumplokh=s tou= sw/matos au)th=| prosege/neto, w(/sper to\ dianoei=sqai: w(/ste ou)de\ mnhmoneu/ei. kai\ ga\r e)ntau=qa me\n pararre/ousa/ e)stin h( gnw=sis au)th=s kai\ dei=tai mnh/mhs ei)s katoxh\n tw=n e)gnwsme/nwn, to/te de\ ou)k e)/xei to\ pro/teron kai\ to\ u(/steron h( gnw=sis, ei) mh\ kata\ th\n proxei/rhsin tw=n qewrhma/twn, a)ll' a)ei\ e(/sthke kai\ e)n tw=| nu=n e)ceta/zetai, kai\ meta\ to\ sw=ma a(/te e(stw=sa th\n gnw=sin kai\ au)toi=s prosba/llousa toi=s pra/gmasi mnh/mhs ou) dei=tai: mnh/mh ga/r e)stin h( tw=n pa/lai e)gnwsme/nwn katoxh/. mnh/mh d' e)sti\n e(/cis kaqektikh\ u(polh/yews. o( de\ *)aristote/lhs to/pous tina\s kai\ e)n tw=| *peri\ mnh/mhs kai\ u(/pnou kai\ th=s kaq' u(/pnon mantikh=s pare/qeto, di' w(=n a)namimnh/skesqai kai\ a)po\ e)nanti/wn kai\ a)po\ tw=n o(moi/wn kai\ a)p' a)/llwn tinw=n. oi( ga\r to/poi ou(=toi ai)/tioi tou= a)namimnh/skesqai h(mi=n gi/nontai. di' e)nanti/wn ga\r fe/re ei)pei=n eu)qu\s ei)s to\ ei)rhme/non tw=n e)nanti/wn metaba/ntes a)namimnhsko/meqa tou/tou, a)po\ pikrou= gluke/os, a)po\ leukou= me/lanos, a)po\ yu/xous kau/matos. o(/ti tri/a me/rh eu)maqei/as a)gxi/noia, mnh/mh, o)cu/ths. kai\ mnh/mh me/n e)sti th/rhsis w(=n e)/maqe/ tis, o)cu/ths de\ h( taxu/ths th=s dianoi/as, a)gxi/noia de\ to\ e)c w(=n e)/maqe qhreu/ein kai\ a(\ mh\ e)/maqe.
[1] If this is a precise quotation its source is unknown, but see generally Aristotle, On memory 449b9-23.
[2] From John Philoponus, On Aristotle's de anima 164.23-165.2 Hayduck.
[3] Aristotle, Topics 125b18. For this and what now follows see Alexander of Aphrodisias, Commentaries on Aristotle's Topics 586.10-16 Wallies.
[4] Quoted from alpha 402; see also omicron 437.
Keywords: definition; philosophy
Translated by: Marcelo Boeri on 21 October 2003@19:25:25.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (modified translation; cosmetics) on 22 October 2003@00:42:16.
David Whitehead (supplemented translation at one point; cosmetics) on 22 October 2003@03:43:27.
David Whitehead (augmented notes; tweaks and cosmetics; raised status) on 18 April 2008@06:48:19.
David Whitehead (tweakinh) on 24 May 2013@06:01:16.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation) on 12 September 2020@01:17:43.


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