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Search results for lambda,865 in Adler number:
Adler number: lambda,865
Translated headword: profitable
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Meaning something] good, advantageous, or suitable;[1] because "[good] defrays what is expended on it, so that the return from the transaction creates s surplus in benefit."[2]
Diodorus the Sicilian says: "Tryphon [...] prepared a golden Victory and despatched it to Rome; for he supposed that the Romans would accept the Victory because of its being, at one and the same time, profitable and good-omened."[3]
Greek Original:*lusitele/s: a)gaqo\n, w)fe/limon, h)\ sumfe/ron: o(/ti lu/ei ta\ telou/mena ei)s au)to\, w(/ste th\n a)ntikata/llacin th\n e)k th=s pragmatei/as u(perai/rein th=| w)felei/a|. kai\ *dio/dwros o( *sikeliw/ths fhsi/n: o( de\ *tru/fwn *ni/khn xrush=n kataskeua/sas e)cape/steilen ei)s th\n *(rw/mhn: u(pela/mbane ga\r tou\s *(rwmai/ous, a(/ma me\n dia\ to\ lusitele/s, a(/ma de\ dia\ to\ eu)oiw/niston ei)=nai, prosde/casqai th\n *ni/khn.
Keywords: art history; biography; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; economics; ethics; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; philosophy; religion; trade and manufacture
Translated by: David Whitehead on 7 August 2007@05:10:36.
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