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Headword: *)/ibukos
Adler number: iota,80
Translated headword: Ibykos, Ibycus
Vetting Status: high
[Ibycus] son of Phytios, but others [say] of Polyzelos the Messenian historiographer,[1] others yet of Kerdas. His family was from Rhegium.[2] From there he came to Samos when Polycrates the father of the tyrant was ruling.[3] This was at the time of Croesus, in the 54th Olympiad.[4] He became obsessed with the love of boys and was the first to invent the so-called sambuke (a kind of three-cornered kithara).[5] There are 7 books of his in the Doric dialect. When he was captured by robbers in a deserted place, he said that the very cranes which happened to be flying over would become his avengers. And he himself was killed; but after this one of the robbers in the city saw some cranes and said, "Behold the avengers of Ibycus."[6] When someone heard this and followed up on these words, the deed was confessed and the robbers were punished. So from this came the proverb, "the cranes of Ibycus".[7]
Greek Original:
*)/ibukos, *futi/ou, oi( de\ *poluzh/lou tou= *messhni/ou i(storiogra/fou, oi( de\ *ke/rdantos: ge/nei *(rhgi=nos. e)nqe/nde ei)s *sa/mon h)=lqen, o(/te au)th=s h)=rxen o( *polukra/ths tou= tura/nnou path/r. xro/nos de\ ou(=tos o( e)pi\ *kroi/sou, o)lumpia\s nd#. ge/gone de\ e)rwtomane/statos peri\ meira/kia kai\ prw=tos eu(=re th\n kaloume/nhn sambu/khn: ei)=dos de/ e)sti kiqa/ras trigw/nou. e)/sti de\ au)tou= ta\ bibli/a z# th=| *dwri/di diale/ktw|. sullhfqei\s de\ u(po\ lh|stw=n e)pi\ e)rhmi/as e)/fh, ka)\n ta\s gera/nous, a(\s e)/tuxen u(peri/ptasqai, e)kdi/kous gene/sqai. kai\ au)to\s me\n a)nh|re/qh: meta\ de\ tau=ta tw=n lh|stw=n ei(=s e)n th=| po/lei qeasa/menos gera/nous e)/fh: i)/de, ai( *)ibu/kou e)/kdikoi. a)kou/santos de/ tinos kai\ e)pecelqo/ntos tw=| ei)rhme/nw|, to/ te gegono\s w(mologh/qh, kai\ di/kas e)/dwkan oi( lh|stai/: w(s e)k tou/tou kai\ paroimi/an gene/sqai, ai( *)ibu/kou ge/ranoi.
OCD(4) s.v.; a western Greek poet of choral lyric, 6th c. BCE. See already iota 77, iota 78, iota 79.
[1] Not otherwise known.
[2] Present-day Reggio di Calabria, in southern Italy; a Doric-speaking area.
[3] See on this Graham Shipley, A History of Samos (Oxford 1987) 70 with n.7.
[4] 564-561. Eusebius puts his floruit in the 61st Olympiad (536-533). For Croesus (Kroisos), see kappa 2497 etc.
[5] See sambukai: sigma 73 (also iota 29).
[6] cf. Plutarch, Moralia 2.509F.
[7] Zenobius 1.37 and other paroemiographers.
Keywords: biography; chronology; daily life; dialects, grammar, and etymology; gender and sexuality; geography; historiography; meter and music; poetry; politics; proverbs; trade and manufacture; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 4 April 2002@14:00:28.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 12 April 2002@04:02:15.
Catharine Roth (cosmetics) on 24 August 2010@00:32:05.
David Whitehead (another note; more keywords; tweaking) on 8 January 2013@07:35:46.
David Whitehead on 4 August 2014@03:32:33.


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