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Search results for iota,620 in Adler number:
Adler number: iota,620
Translated headword: Isaeus, Isaios
Vetting Status: high
Translation: He is one of the ten orators; pupil of
Isocrates;[1] teacher of
Demosthenes;[2] Athenian by birth. But
Demetrius[3] says he was from Chalcis.
This man is praised both as an orator and because he advanced
Demosthenes for no fee.
The orator
Isaeus[4] was dissolute as a young man, but later on was moderate. Someone asked him, 'What is the best fish and the best bird to eat?'.
Isaeus said, 'I have stopped taking those things seriously; I realised that I was picking fruit in Tantalus' garden.' He was, I suppose, showing the questioner that all pleasures are shadows and dreams.
Greek Original:*)isai=os: ei(=s me/n e)sti tw=n de/ka r(hto/rwn, maqhth\s de\ *)isokra/tous, dida/skalos de\ *dhmosqe/nous, *)aqhnai=os to\ ge/nos. *dhmh/trios de\ *xalkide/a fhsi\n au)to\n ei)=nai. ou(=tos e)painei=tai kai\ w(s r(h/twr kai\ w(s *dhmosqe/nhn a)misqi\ proagagw/n. o(/ti *)isai/ou tou= r(h/toros newte/rou a)swteuome/nou, u(/steron de\ swfronh/santos, h)/reto au)to/n tis: ti/s a)/ristos tw=n i)xqu/wn kai\ tw=n o)rne/wn ei)s brw=sin; pe/paumai, e)/fh o( *)isai=os, tau=ta spouda/zwn: cunh=ka ga\r tou\s *tanta/lou kh/pous trugw=n: e)ndeiknu/menos dh/pou tw=| e)rome/nw| tau=ta, o(/ti skia\ kai\ o)nei/rata ai( h(donai\ pa=sai.
Keywords: biography; dreams; economics; ethics; food; history; mythology; philosophy; rhetoric
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 24 November 2000@09:35:30.
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