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Headword: *(ippikh/
Adler number: iota,546
Translated headword: horsemanship, cavalry
Vetting Status: high
There are also three kinds of mounted force. For one is cavalry, another [is fighting] with chariots, another [is fighting] with elephants. Of cavalry one kind is simply so called, cavalrymen and the units mounted on horses; the other [is] a)/fippoi.[1] And a)/fippoi [are] those who ride on two horses without saddles tied together; they leap from one to the other, when need summons. But of cavalry proper one kind is in full armor, which provides both horses and horsemen in armor; but the other kind is without armor. Some [are] spearmen or pikemen or lancemen: for they are called by these three names. These are the ones who fight from horseback close to the enemy with spears. Some of them, who are called Tarentines,[2] use javelins; others, who are called horse-archers, use bows. Others are far-slingers, meaning those who shoot from a distance. Some merely shoot missiles, but do not engage the enemy hand-to-hand; these are called horse-javelinists and properly Tarentines. Others at first shoot from a distance with light javelins, then coming close they engage with the enemy fighting either with swords or with axes. They call these light [cavalry].
Greek Original:
*(ippikh/: o(/ti ei)si\ kai\ th=s o)xhmatikh=s duna/mews trei=s diaforai/. h( me\n ga/r e)stin i(ppikh/, h( de\ di' a(rma/twn, h( de\ di' e)lefa/ntwn. tou= de\ i(ppikou= to\ me\n a(plw=s ou(/tw kalei=tai i(ppei=s kai\ i(ppiko/n, to\ de\ a)/fippoi. kai\ a)/fippoi me\n oi( e)pi\ duoi=n a)strw/toin sundedeme/noin o)xou/menoi: oi(\ kai\ metaphdw=sin a)p' a)/llou e)p' a)/llon, o(/tan h( xrei/a kalh=|. tou= de\ kuri/ws i(ppikou= to\ me/n e)sti kata/frakton, o(\ kai\ tou\s i(/ppous kai\ tou\s i(ppe/as pefragme/nous pare/xetai: to\ de\ a)kata/frakton: oi( me\n doratofo/roi h)\ kontofo/roi h)\ custofo/roi: kalou=ntai ga\r toi=s trisi\n o)no/masin. ou(=toi de/ ei)sin oi( a)po\ tw=n i(/ppwn kai\ plhsi/on toi=s polemi/ois do/rasi maxo/menoi. tou=to de\ oi( me\n dorati/ois xrw=ntai, oi(\ kalou=ntai *taranti=noi: oi( de\ to/cois, oi(\ kalou=ntai i(ppotoco/tai: oi( de\ a)krobolistai/, oi(=on oi( po/rrwqen ba/llontes. oi( me\n mo/non a)konti/zousin, ei)s de\ xei=ras toi=s polemi/ois ou)k e)/rxontai: kai\ kalou=ntai i(ppakontistai\ kai\ i)di/ws *taranti=noi. oi( de\ ta\ me\n prw=ta e)lafroi=s a)konti/ois a)konti/zousi po/rrwqen, e)/peita de\ kai\ plhsia/zontes sumple/kontai toi=s polemi/ois h)\ spa/qais h)\ pele/kesin a)pomaxo/menoi: ou(/s fasin e)lafrou/s.
See also in the tactical section of the Suda, after the letter psi.
[1] cf. alpha 4621.
[2] cf. tau 113.
Keywords: clothing; definition; geography; military affairs; science and technology; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 4 July 2006@17:35:38.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 5 July 2006@03:54:50.
David Whitehead (more keywords; tweaking) on 14 January 2013@06:32:07.


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