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Headword: *grhgo/rios
Adler number: gamma,453
Translated headword: Gregorios, Gregorius, Gregory
Vetting Status: high
Brother of Hermeias the philosopher. He was completely the opposite of Hermeias: intelligent in the extreme, and quick in his inquiries and his lessons; but otherwise he was not a peaceful soul nor did he have any serenity in his habits, rather he was somewhat disturbed. When they came from Athens to Alexandria, Gregorios afterwards fell ill quite seriously so that his mind became unwieldy [for reasoning] and generally defective. So says Damaskios in the Philosophical History.
Greek Original:
*grhgo/rios, a)delfo\s *(ermei/ou tou= filoso/fou: o(\s a(/pan tou)nanti/on h)=n tw=| *(ermei/a|, o)cu/tatos me\n ei)s u(perbolh\n kai\ eu)ki/nhtos e)pi/ te ta\s zhth/seis kai\ ta\s maqh/seis, a)/llws de\ ou)x h(su/xios ou)de\ galh/nhn e)n toi=s h)/qesi fe/rwn tina/, a)lla/ ti kai\ parakekinhko/s. e)pei\ de\ *)aqh/nhqen h(=kon ei)s *)aleca/ndreian, u(/steron o( *grhgo/rios e(a/lw th=| no/sw| e)pi\ to\ ple/on, w(/ste du/sxrhston au)tou= kai\ pollaxh= paralla/tton gene/sqai to\ o)/rganon. ou(/tw fhsi\ *dama/skios ei)s th\n filo/sofon i(stori/an.
Damascius fr. 123 Zintzen (75 Asmus), 55 Athanassiadi; cf. Photius, Bibliotheca 341 a33-b1.
For Hermeias see epsilon 3035, epsilon 3036.
Keywords: biography; daily life; ethics; geography; medicine; philosophy
Translated by: William Hutton on 8 July 2003@07:51:47.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added note; modified keywords) on 8 July 2003@08:12:16.
David Whitehead (more keywords; cosmetics) on 11 June 2012@08:09:56.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation, augmented note) on 8 October 2012@01:52:59.


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