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Headword: *glau=kos *karu/stios
Adler number: gamma,281
Translated headword: Glaukos of Karystos, Glaucus of Carystus
Vetting Status: high
When this man was working on the land, it happened that the ploughshare fell out of the plough, and he fitted it back [using] his hand instead of a hammer. Seeing what had happened his father took him to Olympia to box. Having no experience, he was hurt by his opponents and was on the point of flagging because of the blows. The story goes that his father shouted "strike the plough blow!"[1] So Glaukos attacked the opponent more strongly, and victory was his. The statue [of him] depicts a shadow-boxer, because Glaukos was supremely good at sparring.[2]
Greek Original:
*glau=kos *karu/stios: tou/tou gh=n e)rgazome/nou, e)peidh\ sune/bh th\n u(/nin e)k tou= a)ro/trou pesei=n, kaqh/rmose th=| xeiri\ a)nti\ sfu/ras. i)dw\n de\ to\ poihqe\n o( path\r h)/gagen au)to\n ei)s *)olumpi/an pukteu/sonta. o( de\, a(/te ou)k e)mpei/rws e)/xwn, e)titrw/sketo u(po\ tw=n a)ntagwnistw=n kai\ a)pagoreu/ein e)/mellen u(po\ tw=n plhgw=n. fasi\ de\ to\n pate/ra boh=sai, pai=e th\n e)p' a)ro/trou. o( de\ biaio/teron e)penegkw\n pro\s to\n a)ntagwnizo/menon ei)=xe th\n ni/khn. skiamaxou=ntos de\ o( a)ndria\s pare/xetai sxh=ma, o(/ti o( *glau=kos h)=n e)pithdeio/tatos xeironomei=n.
For Glaukos see already gamma 280. The present entry summarizes Pausanias 6.10.1-3 (web address 1).
[1] cf. pi 872. (But in Pausanias the word is not pai=e, "strike", but pai=, "son".)
[2] cf. chi 256.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: agriculture; art history; athletics; biography; geography
Translated by: David Whitehead on 4 August 2001@10:50:35.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead on 2 September 2002@10:13:45.
Elizabeth Vandiver (Added link) on 29 September 2003@16:25:59.
Catharine Roth (added a keyword) on 6 October 2005@01:45:02.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 7 June 2012@09:26:39.
Catharine Roth (upgraded link) on 9 September 2012@18:42:29.
David Whitehead on 28 September 2015@04:20:23.


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