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Adler number: eta,545
Translated headword: Herodes
Vetting Status: high
Translation: Surnamed Julius, son of
Atticus the son of
Plutarch,[1] a member of the Aeacid family; an Athenian, of the deme
Marathon. Sophist. He was extremely wealthy, so much so that he built a stadium and a roofed theatre for the Athenians. His father was governor of Asia, and was included among those who held the consulship twice. He lived under the emperors Trajan, Hadrian and Marcus Antoninus, and was taught by
Favorinus[2] and
Polemo.[3] He wrote
Ephemerides, an extremely learned composition, and letters and improvisatory speeches;
Philostratus mentions them in the
Lives of the Sophists. Hadrian[4] the sophist succeeded him as head of his school. Herodes was a contemporary of the sophist
Aristides.[5] Very many other works by him are preserved, in which the greatness and elevation of his spirit can be observed and are displayed throughout. He died of consumption aged about 76.
Greek Original:*(hrw/dhs, *)iou/lios xrhmati/sas, ui(o\s *)attikou= tou= *plouta/rxou, ge/nos *ai)aki/dhs, *)aqhnai=os, tw=n dh/mwn *maraqw/nios, sofisth/s, plou/sios e)k qhsaurou= geno/menos sfo/dra, w(/ste kai\ sta/dion kateskeua/sato *)aqhnai/ois kai\ qe/atron u(pwro/fion. h)=rce th=s *)asi/as o( au)tou= path\r kai\ toi=s disupa/tois sugkatele/xqh. h)=n de\ e)pi/ te *trai+anou= kai\ *)adrianou= kai\ *ma/rkou *)antwni/nou tw=n au)tokrato/rwn, didaxqei\s u(po\ *fabwri/nw| kai\ *pole/mwni. kai\ e)/grayen *)efhmeri/das, su/ggramma polumaqe/s, kai\ e)pistola/s, kai\ lo/gous au)tosxedi/ous: w(=n me/mnhtai *filo/stratos e)n toi=s bi/ois tw=n sofistw=n. diede/cato de\ au)tou= th\n sxolh\n *)adriano\s o( sofisth/s. su/gxronos de\ h)=n *(hrw/dhs *)aristei/dh| tw=| sofisth=|. fe/rontai de\ au)tou= kai\ a)/lla plei=sta, e)n oi(=s to\ megalofue\s kai\ u(yi/noun tou=de tou= a)ndro\s katanoei=tai kai\ diadei/knutai. teleuta=| de\ a)mfi\ ta\ e(\c kai\ e(bdomh/konta e)/th cuntakh\s geno/menos.
Ameling W. (1983), Herodes Atticus, Vols. I-II, Hildesheim
Galli, M. (2002), Die Lebenswelt eines Sophisten : Untersuchungen zu den Bauten und Stiftungen des Herodes Atticus. Mainz
Tobin J. (1997), Herodes Attikos and the City of Athens: Patronage and Conflict Under the Antonines (Archaia Hellas 4), Amsterdam
Keywords: architecture; biography; chronology; constitution; economics; ethics; geography; history; medicine; rhetoric
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 27 February 2000@18:32:55.
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