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Search results for eta,16 in Adler number:
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Headword: *(/hbh
Adler number: eta,16
Translated headword: adolescence; Hebe
Vetting Status: high
[Meaning] youth, prime.[1]
It also signifies a name of a goddess.[2]
Greek Original:
*(/hbh: neo/ths, a)kmh/. shmai/nei de\ kai\ o)/noma qea=s.
Same material, variously, in other lexica, including Apollonius' Homeric Lexicon; cf. also scholia to Homer, Iliad 24.728.
[1] See eta 13 and eta 14 for verbs from the same root as h(/bh.
[2] Hebe was one of the daughters of Zeus and Hera; see generally Robert Parker's article in OCD(4) s.v.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; epic; mythology; religion
Translated by: Abram Ring on 27 May 2004@16:31:27.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 28 May 2004@04:00:55.
Abram Ring (cosmetics) on 27 March 2006@13:35:53.
David Whitehead (another note and keyword; tweaking) on 2 December 2012@08:56:53.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 3 August 2014@06:00:49.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 6 April 2015@00:21:01.


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