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Headword: *ei)s *kuno/sarges
Adler number: epsiloniota,290
Translated headword: into Cynosarges, into Kynosarges
Vetting Status: high
[This phrase] is said in reference to violence and cursing. There is a place in Attica, in which they used to put illegitimate children. It is so named from a dog [which was] argos, which means white or swift.[1] For [it is said that] when [some people] were sacrificing to Heracles a white or swift dog, an eagle snatching the thigh-pieces of the sacrificed animal set them down there,[2] and asking the gods they received the oracular message, to found a shrine to Heracles in the place. Since then the bastards also live there, because Heracles also, [despite] being a bastard, was honored equally to the gods.
Greek Original:
*ei)s *kuno/sarges: ei)/rhtai e)pi\ u(/brei kai\ a)ra=|. e)/sti de\ to/pos e)n th=| *)attikh=|, e)n w(=| tou\s no/qous tw=n pai/dwn e)/tatton. w)no/mastai de\ ou(/tws a)po\ kuno\s a)rgou=, toute/sti leukou= h)\ taxe/os. kai\ ga\r *(hraklei= qu/ontas ku/na leuko\n h)\ taxu/n, a)eto\n a(rpa/santa tou= quome/nou ta\ mhri/a au)tou= kataqei=nai, kai\ e)perwth/santas tou\s qeou\s labei=n xrhsmo/n, i(ero\n *(hrakle/ous i(dru=sai tw=| to/pw|. e)c ou(= kai\ tou\s no/qous e)kei= suntelei=n, o(/ti kai\ *(hraklh=s no/qos w)\n i)/sa qeoi=s e)timh/qh.
Similarly in a scholion on Plato, Axiochus 364A (but see below), and more broadly similar elsewhere. See also epsilon 3160, kappa 2721.
[1] This difference is less than it appears at first sight. See LSJ s.v., giving the primary definition as shining, glistening, and adding 'in Homer mostly in the phrase po/das a)rgoi/, of hounds, swift-footed, because all swift motion causes a kind of glancing or flickering light'.
[2] That a dog would be the sacrificial victim is inconceivable. All other versions of the myth say that the dog -- rather than an eagle, as here -- snatched it. Clearly the dog is an integral part of the story and the toponym, but the eagle is not, and without it the relevant sentence becomes unproblematic -- because the dog is not the direct object of 'sacrificing' (quo/ntwn for the transmitted qu/ontas, as per the Suda editio princeps) but the subject -- in this indirect speech -- of 'snatching etc'.
Keywords: aetiology; children; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; gender and sexuality; geography; law; mythology; religion; zoology
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 6 July 2005@00:31:49.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented headword and keywords; tweaked tr) on 7 July 2005@04:03:06.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 6 October 2005@09:08:37.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 27 November 2012@09:36:16.
Catharine Roth (typo) on 30 November 2012@00:22:29.
David Whitehead (more notes) on 22 April 2016@06:22:33.
Catharine Roth (tweaked translation following a suggestion from Brady Kiesling) on 28 December 2016@01:05:53.


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