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Headword: *eu)ge/nios
Adler number: epsilon,3394
Translated headword: Eugenios, Eugenius
Vetting Status: high
Son of Trophimus of Augustopolis, the one in Phrygia.[1] Grammarian. He taught in Constantinople, and achieved great distinction, when he was already elderly, under the emperor Anastasius. He wrote a colometry of lyrics by Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides from 15 plays; On what the paeonic palimbaccheus is; On the formation of names for temples (e.g. Dionyseum, Asclepium); Assorted Lexicon (alphabetically arranged: appended to it is a list of the entries surprising in respect of accent, breathing, spelling, story or proverb); On nouns in -ia (e.g. endeia or endia), and when they differ; and certain other works in iambic trimeters.
Greek Original:
*eu)ge/nios, *trofi/mou, *au)goustopo/lews th=s e)n *frugi/a|, grammatiko/s. ou(=tos e)di/dacen e)n *kwnstanti/nou po/lei kai\ ta\ ma/lista diafanh\s h)=n, presbu/ths h)/dh w)/n, e)pi\ *)anastasi/ou basile/ws. e)/graye kwlometri/an tw=n melikw=n *ai)sxu/lou, *sofokle/ous, *eu)ripi/dou, a)po\ drama/twn ie#. *peri\ tou= ti/ to\ paiwniko\n palimba/kxeion: *peri\ tw=n temenikw=n, o(/pws profe/retai: oi(=on *dionu/sion, *)asklhpi/eion: *pammigh= le/cin kata\ stoixei=on: e)/xei de\ kai\ ta\ para/doca h)\ peri\ to/non h)\ pneu=ma h)\ grafh\n h)\ mu=qon h)\ paroimi/an e(po/mena au)th=|: *peri\ tw=n ei)s ia lhgo/ntwn o)noma/twn, oi(=on e)/ndeia h)\ e)ndi/a: kai\ po/te diforei=tai: kai\ a)/lla tina\ tri/metra i)ambika/.
RE Eugenios(10); PLRE II Eugenius(2).
[1] The qualifier distinguishes this city (precise location uncertain, but somewhere in the Caystrian Plain) from at least two homonyms further east.
Keywords: biography; chronology; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; meter and music; poetry; proverbs; religion; tragedy
Translated by: Malcolm Heath on 15 February 2001@10:29:17.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (added keyword; cosmetics) on 13 September 2002@05:09:13.
David Whitehead (tweaked translation; augmented notes and keywords) on 13 April 2006@05:32:41.
David Whitehead on 5 November 2012@08:05:39.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 16 January 2018@01:21:27.


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