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Headword: *)erasi/stratos
Adler number: epsilon,2896
Translated headword: Erasistratos, Erasistratus
Vetting Status: high
[Erasistratos] of Ioulis, [i.e.] from the Iouliad city-state on Keos island. Therefore he is styled Keian.[1] Son of Kretoxene, the sister of Medios the doctor,[2] and of Kleombrotos.
This man cured Antiochos the king[3] when he was sick with longing for his stepmother Stratonike. He discovered the illness by holding his hand over the man's heart and estimating its fluttering. For every time Antiochos happened to see his stepmother passing through, his heart fluttered markedly with his desire for this woman.[4]
He is buried by Mount Mykale, opposite Samos. He wrote 9 books on medicine.
Greek Original:
*)erasi/stratos, *)ioulih/ths, a)po\ *)ioulia/dos po/lews *ke/w th=s nh/sou. xrhmati/zei ou)=n *kh/i+os, ui(o\s *krhtoce/nhs, th=s *mhdi/ou tou= i)atrou= a)delfh=s, kai\ *kleombro/tou. ou(=tos *)anti/oxon to\n basile/a nosou=nta u(po\ tou= th=s mhtruia=s *stratoni/khs po/qou i)a/sato, eu(rw\n to\ pa/qos e)k tou= sxei=n th\n xei=ra e)pi\ th\n kardi/an au)tou= kai\ to\n palmo\n sunei- ka/sai. o(sa/kis ga\r e)/blepen o( *)anti/oxos th\n mhtruia\n au)tou= tuxo\n dierxome/nhn e)pa/lleto th\n kardi/an ma/lista tw=| tau/ths e)/rwti. te/qaptai de\ pro\s tw=| o)/rei th=| *muka/lh|, katantikru\ *sa/mou. e)/grayen i)atrika\ bibli/a q#.
c.315-(?)240 BC. See generally, esp. on the medical aspects, Heinrich von Staden in OCD(4) s.v.
[1] On Keos and Ioulis see generally Gary Reger in M.H. Hansen & T.H. Nielsen (eds.), An Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis (Oxford 2004) 747-7749.
[2] Perhaps the man who generated mu 885.
[3] i.e. ultimately Antiochos I Soter (reigned 281-261), son of Seleukos I (sigma 202: successor of Alexander the Great; king of Alexander's former Asiatic territories from 305 to 281). See further, next note.
[4] Antiochos was designated co-ruler from 294 or 293, so the handing on of Stratonike (Seleukos' second wife) to her stepson may have had the political purpose of cementing the succession. The tale of the lovesick Antiochos is told in Plutarch's biography of Stratonike's father (Demetrios 38) and also in Appian, Syriaca 308-313, and Lucian. Shipley (below) 71: 'the episode was embellished as a love story by Hellenistic writers [using Euripides' Hippolytus as a model: DW] ... None of this need be true: the story may well have its origin in propaganda designed to demonstrate the harmonious working relationship between father and son, concealing Seleukos' true purpose in sharing the kingship with his son to ensure a smooth succession. Alternatively, the story need not have its origin in Seleukid propaganda, and may tell us nothing about royal policy, but may be the product of the rhetorical tradition of earlier imperial times'.
Shipley, G. (2000), The Greek World after Alexander: 323-30 BC (London and New York: Routledge)
Keywords: biography; gender and sexuality; geography; history; medicine; politics; tragedy; women
Translated by: D. Graham J. Shipley on 14 January 2001@03:24:50.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented bibliography; modified keywords; cosmetics) on 14 January 2001@10:08:37.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 20 November 2005@10:11:31.
David Whitehead (tweaking) on 25 October 2012@05:40:58.
David Whitehead (augmented notes; another keyword) on 15 January 2016@06:40:14.
David Whitehead on 15 January 2016@06:45:47.


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