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Search results for epsilon,2596 in Adler number:
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Headword: *)epispasth/rwn
Adler number: epsilon,2596
Translated headword: of the door-pulls
Vetting Status: high
Of the handles of the door.[1] "Finding the doors set-to and taking hold of the door-pulls, he held on to them tight," [that is,] strongly and forcefully.[2]
Greek Original:
*)epispasth/rwn: tw=n th=s qu/ras krathma/twn. eu(rw\n proskeime/nas ta\s qu/ras kai\ labo/menos tw=n e)pispasth/rwn a)pri\c ei)/xeto, karterw=s te kai\ e)gkratw=s.
[1] Genitive plural (evidently from the following quotation) of a noun already at epsilon 2595
[2] Aelian fr.51 Hercher (54c Domingo-Forasté), quoted with somewhat different wording also at pi 2729. Hercher, followed by Domingo-Forasté, takes the words represented here as karterw=s te kai\ e)gkratw=s ('strongly and forcefully') as part of the original quotation, but they are interpreted here as an intrusive gloss. Cf. pi 2729 where at least one other intrusive gloss has made its way into the quotation.
Keywords: architecture; biography; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; science and technology
Translated by: William Hutton on 5 December 2007@06:37:15.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (another keyword; tweaks and cosmetics) on 5 December 2007@06:42:30.
Catharine Roth (tweaked reference, added keyword, raised status) on 7 April 2012@01:27:09.


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