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Search results for epsilon,157 in Adler number:
Adler number: epsilon,157
Translated headword: right-angled table
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [A table] which is not round and not too circular. "In Maecenas' dining-room there was a right-angled table below the couch, very great in size and incomparable in beauty; and as was likely different men praised it in different ways. But Iortios not being able to express the marvel for himself, when silence fell, [said], 'But, my dear drinking-companions, there is something you fail to notice: it is round and very circular.' So at such sheer flattery, as was likely, laughter broke out.
Plutarch [sc. says this]."[1]
Greek Original:*)eggw/nios tra/peza: h( mh\ stroggu/lh kai\ mh\ a)/gan periferh/s. e)n tw=| sundei/pnw| tw=| tou= *maikh/na tra/peza e)ggw/nios h)=n u(po\ th=| klisi/a|, to\ me/geqos megi/sth kai\ ka/llos a)/maxos: kai\ oi(=a ei)ko\s e)ph/|noun a)/lloi a)/llws au)th/n. o( de\ *)io/rtios ou)k e)/xwn o(/ti par' e(autou= terateu/sasqai, sigh=s genome/nhs, e)kei=no de\ ou)k e)nnoei=te, w)= fi/loi sumpo/tai, w(s stroggu/lh e)sti\ kai\ a)/gan periferh/s. e)pi\ toi/nun th=| a)kra/tw| kolakei/a|, w(s to\ ei)ko/s, ge/lws katerra/gh. *plou/tarxos.
Keywords: biography; daily life; definition; ethics; food; trade and manufacture
Translated by: Catharine Roth on 20 June 2006@01:02:48.
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