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Headword: *diplasia/sai
Adler number: delta,1257
Translated headword: to double
Vetting Status: high
[This term][1] is used in a double sense: for [it means] either the place where the phalanx [is] when the number of the men remains the same, or the number itself. Each of these [senses may be distinguished] in two ways, either by files [lochoi] or by ranks [zuga]. [This is] the same as saying by length or by depth. Thus a doubling of men by length occurs whenever we insert [troops] between the already-existing files, or insert others [equal] in number to them, maintaining the length of the phalanx in itself, so that a close order can only arise from the doubling of the men. But [a doubling] by depth [occurs] whenever we insert [troops] between the already-existing ranks or insert others unequal in number, so that a close order can only arise by depth. By length a doubling of the place occurs whenever we change by length the above-mentioned close order into a loose one, or whenever the inserted men counter-march by length; a doubling of the place by depth occurs whenever we change by depth the above-mentioned close order into a loose one, or whenever the inserted men counter-march by depth. Some do not approve of these kinds [of manoeuvres], especially when the enemy is close, but by extending the light-armed infantry and the cavalry on both wings, they obtain the appearance of a doubling without [creating] any confusion in the phalanx.
Search [for information] about this at the end of the book in the [entry] diplasia/sai.[2]
Greek Original:
*diplasia/sai: dixw=s le/getai: h)\ ga\r to\n to/pon, e)n w(=| h( fa/lagc me/nontos tou= plh/qous tw=n a)ndrw=n, h)\ a)riqmo\n au)to/n. gi/netai de\ e(ka/teron dixw=s h)\ kata\ lo/xous h)\ kata\ zuga/. tauto\n de\ ei)pei=n kata\ mh=kos h)\ kata\ ba/qos. kata\ mh=kos me\n ou)=n gi/netai diplasiasmo\s a)ndrw=n, o(/tan metacu\ tw=n prou+parxo/ntwn lo/xwn paremba/lwmen, h)\ paremple/kwmen a)/llous au)toi=s a)riqmou/s, to\ mh=kos fula/ttontes to\ au)to\ th=s fa/laggos, w(/ste pu/knwsin gene/sqai mo/non e)k th=s tw=n a)ndrw=n diplasia/sews. kata\ ba/qos de/, o(/tan metacu\ tw=n prou+parxo/ntwn zugw=n paremba/lwmen h)\ paremple/kwmen a)/lla au)toi=s i)sa/riqma, w(/ste kata\ ba/qos pu/knwsin ei)=nai mo/non. kata\ mh=kos de\ to/pou gi/netai diplasiasmo/s, o(/tan th\n proeirhme/nhn kata\ mh=kos pu/knwsin mano/thti metata/ttwmen, h)\ oi( parenteqe/ntes e)celli/sswsi kata\ mh=kos: kata\ ba/qos de\ to/pou gi/netai diplasiasmo/s, o(/tan th\n proeirhme/nhn kata\ ba/qos pu/knwsin mano/thti metata/ttwmen, h)\ oi( parenteqe/ntes e)celi/cwsi kata\ ba/qos. e)/nioi de\ tou\s toiou/tous a)podokima/zousi, kai\ ma/lista e)ggu\s o)/ntwn tw=n polemi/wn, e)f' e(ka/tera de\ tw=n kera/twn tou\s yilou\s kai\ tou\s i(/ppous e)pektei/nontes th\n o)/yin tou= diplasiasmou= xwri\s taraxh=s th=s fa/laggos a)podido/asin. zh/tei peri\ tou/tou ei)s to\ te/los tou= bibli/ou e)n tw=| diplasia/sai.
This entry partly reproduces and partly summarizes Asclepiodotus 10.17-18. See also, in brief, Hesychius delta1942 (diaplasia/sai) and esp. delta1943 (diaplasiasmo/s).
[1] Aorist active infinitive of diaplasia/zw.
[2] A cross-reference (only in the margin of ms. A) to lemma 45 in the Onomasticon Tacticum appended to the Suda (after psi). In fact it corresponds to the present material very closely.
Keywords: definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; military affairs
Translated by: Antonella Ippolito on 7 March 2005@19:14:22.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified translation; augmented notes and keywords; cosmetics) on 8 March 2005@05:34:26.
David Whitehead (tweaked notes) on 15 July 2012@04:23:10.
David Whitehead (coding and other cosmetics) on 12 November 2015@03:26:02.


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