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Headword: *dionusi/wn skw/mmata
Adler number: delta,1183
Translated headword: insults of the Dionysia
Vetting Status: high
"[...] once assailing and insulting [them] with the insults from the Dionysia [...]."[1]
The Dionysia was a festival.[2]
"[Someone] who looking and gazing with shifty eyes hides one thing in his mind and speaks another"; "whose mouth overflowed with curses and bitterness and deceit"; "whom justice, justly judging, adjudicated against"; "who happened to be -- as the poet says -- a 'useless weight on the earth'".[3] "But he has been tossed to the crows and is gone unseen, unheard of, shown to be twistier than a hinge in matters of business; away with him! off with him! that triple-stinker who won't even be lauded at his funeral feast, who messes everything up and throws everything into chaos and confusion, that Cyclopean monster"; "that hateful-looking and lightning-struck one who chooses to live for wealth, paying no heed to the will of the god nor trembling at inevitable retribution"; "he who is a constant altar-filcher and is boastfully stingy, doggier than dogs and more troublesome than demons."[4]
Greek Original:
*dionusi/wn skw/mmata. pote\ me\n ba/llwn kai\ skw/ptwn toi=s e)k *dionusi/wn skw/mmasin. e(orth\ de\ h)=n ta\ *dionu/sia. o(\s loca\ ble/pwn kai\ dedorkw\s a)/llo me\n e)/keuqe fresi/n, a)/llo de\ e)/fasken: ou(= a)ra=s kai\ pikri/as kai\ do/lou to\ sto/ma e)/gemen: o(\n e)ndi/kws h( di/kh dika/sasa katedi/kasen: o(\s kata\ to\n poihth\n e)tw/sion a)/xqos a)rou/rhs e)tu/gxanen w)/n. a)ll' e)s ko/rakas be/blhtai kai\ oi)/xetai a)/i+stos, a)/pustos, giglu/mou polustrofw/teros e)n toi=s prakte/ois a)podeiknu/menos, e)rre/sqw, oi)xe/sqw, mhd' e)n peridei/pnw| e)paineqhso/menos o( trisbde/luros kai\ kukw=n kai\ fu/rdhn kai\ mi/gdhn poiw=n a(/panta, to\ *kuklw/peion te/ras: o( ei)dexqh\s kai\ e)mbro/nthtos kai\ plouti/ndhn h(|rhme/nos biw=nai, qeou= o)/pin ou)k a)le/gwn ou)de\ katepthxw\s a)dra/steian a)/fukton: o( bwmoloxeu/wn a)ei\ kai\ pe/rpera glisxreuo/menos, o( kunw=n ku/nteros kai\ daimo/nwn a)rgalew/teros.
The unglossed headword phrase is probably generated by a very similar one in the first quotation given; if not, its origin is unidentifiable.
[1] An approximation of Synesius, Dion 1.103 (PG 66.1117c), where Socrates and Zeno are specified as the targets; cf. beta 86.
[2] From delta 1168, q.v. (This sentence and the rest of the entry that follows it are absent, Adler reports, from ms F.)
[3] cf. Homer, Iliad 18.104, Odyssey 20.379 (web address 1 and web address 2); also Psalm 9.28 LXX, quoted again at omicron 765.
[4] These insults were attributed by Bernhardy to Aelian (see fr.71 Hercher on the merchant Dionysios: delta 1337 etc.); but Adler suspects that they are Byzantine in date.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: biography; comedy; daily life; economics; epic; ethics; food; mythology; philosophy; poetry; religion; rhetoric; zoology
Translated by: William Hutton on 2 March 2005@23:34:21.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented n.4; modified keywords; cosmetics) on 3 March 2005@03:29:26.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 4 December 2005@08:58:25.
Catharine Roth (augmented note 3) on 20 June 2010@22:59:42.
David Whitehead (expanded n.1; more keywords; tweaking) on 12 July 2012@07:06:57.
Catharine Roth (tweaked note) on 25 August 2013@17:37:41.
David Whitehead (added primary note; coding and other cosmetics) on 11 November 2015@05:09:49.


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