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Headword: *diitre/fhs putinai=a e)/xwn ptera/
Adler number: delta,1054
Translated headword: Diitrephes with wicker-flask wings
Vetting Status: high
This man was a busybody, who became rich by manufacturing vessels made of twigs and served as a hipparch and a phylarch.[1] Euphronius [says] that the straps hanging on either side of the neck of a wicker-flask are called 'wings'; and that this man used to weave wicker-flasks. But some [say that the term] was used of a poor man because of its being undramatic. As if [Aristophanes] said: with nothing other than wine-jar feet and earthenware knobs. This man [Dieitrephes] was nouveau riche and grasping and wicked. Plato in Festivals [writes]: "and a foreigner, the madman, the Cretan, the scarcely-Athenian";[2] a wicker-flask [is] a woven item. [It was Dieitrephes] who "was elected phylarch, [then] hipparch, then from being a nobody has become important and is now a tawny horse-cock". Meaning has now become a bird of importance, not any old one. Or a councillor; for the cock [is] rather prestigious amongst birds.
Greek Original:
*diitre/fhs putinai=a e)/xwn ptera/: ou(=tos polupra/gmwn e)ge/neto, o(\s qa/llina poiw=n a)ggei=a e)plou/thse kai\ i(ppa/rxhse kai\ e)fula/rxhsen. *eu)fro/nios de\ ta\ peri\ tw=| traxh/lw| th=s puti/nhs kremw/mena i(manta/ria e(kate/rwqen ptera\ kalei=sqai: kai\ o(/ti ou(=tos puti/nas e)/pleke. tine\s de\ ei)s pe/nhta ei)rh=sqai dia\ to\ a)nupo/kriton. w(s ei) e)/fh, mhde\n a)/llo e)/xwn a)ll' h)\ pi/qou po/das kai\ xu/tras o)mfalou/s. ou(=tos de\ h)=n neo/ploutos kai\ a(/rpac kai\ ponhro/s. *pla/twn e)n *(eortai=s: kai\ ce/non, to\n maino/menon, to\n *krh=ta, to\n mo/gis *)attiko/n: puti/nh de/ e)sti ple/gma. o(\s h(|re/qh fu/larxos, i(/pparxos, ei)=t' e)c ou)deno\s mega/la pra/ttei ka)/sti nu=n couqo\s i(ppalektruw/n. a)nti\ tou= h)/dh me/gas o)/rnis ge/gone kai\ ou)x o( tuxw/n. h)\ bouleuth/s: o( ga\r a)lektruw\n e)n toi=s o)/rnisin e)ntimo/teros.
Aristophanes, Birds 798-800 (web address 1), with comment from the scholia there. For Dieitrephes (sic) see Dunbar's note ad loc.
See also delta 1053.
[1] For these posts see generally iota 522 and esp. phi 829, which (like Aristophanes' words themselves, quoted below) states the correct relationship between them.
[2] Plato Comicus fr. 31 Kock, now 30 K.-A.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; comedy; daily life; economics; ethics; food; military affairs; science and technology; trade and manufacture; zoology
Translated by: David Whitehead on 22 June 2005@08:23:39.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (added link and keyword; set status) on 22 June 2005@14:20:35.
David Whitehead (augmented notes) on 23 June 2005@02:53:17.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 20 November 2005@10:39:56.
David Whitehead (another x-ref; more keywords) on 10 July 2012@07:40:39.
David Whitehead on 1 January 2015@08:57:01.
David Whitehead on 2 January 2015@04:12:17.


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