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Headword: *xanaa/n
Adler number: chi,79
Translated headword: Canaan
Vetting Status: high
A proper name. And out of it [comes] Canaanites.
"Moses spent 40 years until his death with the chosen people, and he left behind Joshua the son of Nun as his successor, who took Israel to this land which was promised to the authority of Abraham: it is the circle from the river of Egypt across the sea and the desert. He cast out all the kings and the masters of the tribes there. Whoever was pursued by him across the sea of Egypt and Libya fled into the region of the Africans because the Egyptians did not welcome them, on account of their prior history, for they had suffered because of them and had been drowned in the Red Sea. So they fled for refuge to the Africans and the solitary country in which they lived, assuming their lands and customs, and they inscribed in tablets of stone the reason why they moved from the land of the Canaanites to Africa. And even up until this time those very tablets are in Numidia, which proclaim this: "we are Canaanites, whom Joshua the raider pursued."[1]
And [there is] a feminine form Chananaia.[2] Also [attested is the phrase] Chananitis ge ['land of Canaan'].[3]
Greek Original:
*xanaa/n: o)/noma ku/rion. kai\ e)c au)tou= *xananai=oi. o(/ti *mwu+sh=s m# e)/th sumfilosofh/sas tw=| law=| teleuta=|, dia/doxon katalipw\n *)ihsou=n to\n tou= *nauh=: o(/stis katw/|kise to\n *)israh\l e)n gh=|, h(=| e)phggei/lato ku/rios tw=| *)abraa/m: e)/sti de\ a)po\ tou= potamou= *ai)gu/ptou kukloume/nh dia\ qala/sshs kai\ chra=s: e)kbalw\n pa/ntas tou\s basilei=s kai\ duna/stas tw=n e)qnw=n: oi(/tines u(p' au)tou= diwko/menoi dia\ th=s parali/ou *ai)gu/ptou te kai\ *libu/hs kate/fugon ei)s th\n tw=n *)/afrwn xw/ran, tw=n *ai)gupti/wn mh\ prosdecame/nwn au)tou/s, dia\ th\n mnh/mhn th\n prote/ran, h(\n e)/paqon di' au)tou\s e)n th=| *)eruqra=| katapontisqe/ntes qala/ssh|: kai\ prosfugo/ntes toi=s *)/afrois, th\n e)/rhmon au)tw=n w)/|khsan xw/ran, a)nadeca/menoi to\ sxh=ma kai\ ta\ h)/qh, kai\ e)n placi\ liqi/nais a)nagraya/menoi th\n ai)ti/an, di' h(\n a)po\ th=s *xananai/wn gh=s w)/|khsan th\n *)afrikh/n. kai\ ei)si\ me/xri nu=n ai( toiau=tai pla/kes e)n th=| *noumidi/a|, perie/xousai ou(/tws: h(mei=s e)sme\n *xananai=oi, ou(\s e)di/wcen *)ihsou=s o( lh|sth/s. kai\ qhluko\n *xananai/a. kai\ *xanani=tis gh=.
[1] Material attributed to John of Antioch (frs.11-12 FHG, now 22.2 Roberto); cf. Procopius, History of the Wars of Justinian 4.10.13-22.
[2] This addendum is probably prompted by the 'Canaanite woman' with the devil-possessed daughter in Matthew 15:22.
[3] See e.g. Philo Judaeus [of Alexandria], On Abraham 133.
Keywords: biography; Christianity; chronology; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; ethics; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; religion; women
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 14 July 2000@09:32:37.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (modified translation; added note and keywords; cosmetics) on 2 October 2002@10:05:34.
Ross Scaife ✝ (fixed malformed tag) on 14 October 2002@12:14:16.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 7 November 2013@09:00:19.
David Whitehead (note typo) on 28 January 2015@05:41:01.
Catharine Roth (coding) on 28 January 2015@23:50:08.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 29 January 2015@04:38:23.
Catharine Roth (tweaked note) on 16 April 2023@22:37:03.


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