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Search results for beta,200 in Adler number:
Adler number: beta,200
Translated headword: abomination of desolation
Vetting Status: high
Translation: [Referring to] the statue of the emperor Hadrian.
For Hadrian utterly destroyed the city [i.e.
Jerusalem]. For after the desolation that occurred under Vespasian and Titus, the Jews organizing in the reign of Hadrian were eager to revert to their earlier form of government [...]. So, by having begun a revolution, they brought themselves to total desolation [...]. And he gave his own name to the remnants of the city, calling it Aelia; for Hadrian was called Aelius.[1]
Greek Original:*bde/lugma e)rhmw/sews: to\n *)adrianou= tou= basile/ws a)ndria/nta. o( ga\r *)adriano\s kaqei=le th\n po/lin a)/rdhn. meta\ ga\r th\n *ou)espasianou= kai\ *ti/tou genome/nhn e)rh/mwsin e)pi\ *)adrianou= susta/ntes oi( *)ioudai=oi e)spou/dazon e)pi\ th\n prote/ran e)panelqei=n politei/an. stasia/santes ou)=n ei)s pantelh= e)rh/mwsin e(autou\s kate/sthsan: kai\ to\ e(autou= o)/noma e)pe/qhke toi=s leiya/nois th=s po/lews *ai)li/an au)th\n prosagoreu/sas: *ai)/lios ga\r *)adriano\s e)kalei=to.
Keywords: art history; biography; Christianity; definition; ethics; geography; historiography; history; military affairs; religion
Translated by: Craig Gibson on 28 July 2002@15:25:17.
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