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Headword: *)aka/kios
Adler number: alpha,783
Translated headword: Akakios, Acacius
Vetting Status: high
The patriarch of Constantinople, he was revered as no other. For he was the guardian of orphans, and it was evident to all that he managed the affairs of the orphans well and with pleasure. Moreoever, he became an acquaintance of the emperor Leo with whom he found immense favor. He [Leo] confided his affairs, both public and private, to this man first of all. When he assembled the senate, he invited this man as well and turned the beginning of every discussion over to him.
This Akakios realized the savagery of Leo Makelles[1] toward those who had offended him in some way and had accurately divined his character; but because this was something only those who flattered him had the opportunity to observe, he made a habit of marvelling at all that he did. Nevertheless he was readily able to rein [Leo] in and easily made him slacken his anger. He also brought about the salvation of many who ran afoul of him, and managed to have those sentenced to life-long exile recalled to their homeland.
After the death of Gennadios, patriarch of Constantinople, he was nominated to serve in that priesthood with the backing of Zenon. Since he was a natural leader and took all the churches under his direct control, he exercised a deliberate discrimination concerning those who were appointed to the churches. They in gratitude dedicated images of him in their prayer chambers. Thus, when images of him appeared in all the churches, some people began to think that he, in a pursuit of empty glory, had ordered their dedication, and no small confirmation of this suspicion was supplied by the mosaic image fashioned in the church by the harbor. For although the entire work had been completed in the time of Gennadios, in a conspicuous place in the temple they portrayed [Akakios] and after him the Savior saying to Gennadios 'destroy this temple', and over him 'after you I will raise him up.'[2] As a result of such images, then, Akakios, though he was generous and a capable leader, nevertheless seemed to all to be excessively ambitious.[3]
See concerning this man under Basiliskos.[4]
Greek Original:
*)aka/kios: o( patria/rxhs *kwnstantinoupo/lews, ai)de/simos h)=n w(s ou)k a)/llos tis. o)rfanotro/fos ga\r gegonw\s kai\ kalw=s ta\ tw=n o)rfanw=n dioikw=n pa=sin e)fai/neto kaq' h(donh/n. kai\ dh\ kai\ tw=| basilei= *le/onti sunh/qhs gegonw\s u(perfuw=s h)/reske kai\ tou/tw| prw/tw| a)ei\ pa/nta a)nekoinou=to ta/ te koina\ kai\ ta\ i)/dia. kai\ o(/te th\n boulh\n h)/qroize, suneka/lei kai\ tou=ton kai\ th=s ske/yews a)rxh\n e)c au)tou= pa/shs e)ti/qeto. o(\s *)aka/kios th\n tou= *le/ontos tou= *make/llh w)mo/thta sunidw\n pro\s tou/s ti luph/santas kai\ to\ h)=qos a)kribw=s to\ e)kei/nou fwra/sas, o(/ti toi=s e)painou=si mo/non u(pa/rxei eu)a/lwton, e)peth/deue pa/nta ta\ e)kei/nou qauma/zein. toigarou=n peiqh/nion au)to\n ei)=xen e(toi/mws to/n te qumo\n au)tou= r(a|di/ws kate/stelle kai\ polloi=s proskekrouko/si th\n swthri/an e)pragmateu/eto kai\ tou\s e)cori/an a)i/+dion e)/xontas a)nekalei=to pro\s th\n patri/da. ou(=tos meta\ qa/naton *gennadi/ou, patria/rxou *kwnstantinoupo/lews, spoudh=| *zh/nwnos i(era=sqai proeblh/qh. o(\s w)\n a)rxiko\s kai\ pa/sas ta\s e)kklhsi/as u(f' e(auto\n poih/sas pefrontisme/nws tw=n e)n au)tai=s keklhrwme/nwn e)poiei=to th\n khdemoni/an, oi(\ eu)xaristou=ntes e)n grafai=s a)ne/qhkan au)to\n kata\ tou\s eu)kthri/ous oi)/kous. e)pei/per ou)=n a)qro/on e)n pa/sais tai=s e)kklhsi/ais e)dei/xqhsan au)tou= ei)ko/nes, w)|h/qhsa/n tines kenodocou=nta th\n a)na/qesin prostetaxe/nai ou) mikra\n e)/xontes th=s u(ponoi/as pi/stwsin, th\n e)k yhfi/dwn grafh\n dhmiourghqei=san e)n th=| pro\s tw=| newri/w| e)kklhsi/a|. tou= ga\r e)/rgou panto\s e)pi\ *gennadi/ou telesqe/ntos ei)s to\n e)pifanh= to/pon e)cetu/pwsan au)to\n tou= new\ kai\ metacu\ tou=de to\n *swth=ra le/gonta tw=| *gennadi/w|, lu=son to\n nao\n tou=ton, kai\ e)pi\ tou=, meta/ se e)gerw= au)to/n. e)k tw=n toiou/twn ou)=n ei)ko/nwn *)aka/kios, ei) kai\ eu)meta/dotos h)=n kai\ prostatiko\s, a)lla\ docomanh\s pa=sin e)/docen u(pa/rxein. zh/tei peri\ tou=ton e)n tw=| *basili/skos.
On Acacius or Akakios, see web address 1.
[1] Leo "the Butcher": see lambda 267 and biography (by Hugh Elton) at web address 2.
[2] cf. John 2.19.
[3] Valesius (Henri de Valois 1603-1676) attributed this entry to Malchus (on Theodore the Reader 167); now accepted as Malchus fr.2b Cresci.
[4] beta 164.
Associated internet addresses:
Web address 1,
Web address 2
Keywords: architecture; art history; biography; children; Christianity; chronology; ethics; geography; historiography; history; law; religion
Translated by: William Hutton on 1 June 2001@11:30:21.
Vetted by:
Catharine Roth (added links) on 1 June 2001@18:44:50.
William Hutton (Modified translation) on 3 June 2001@11:10:35.
Catharine Roth (added note) on 28 February 2002@00:12:18.
Catharine Roth (augmented translation and notes) on 28 February 2002@13:38:30.
David Whitehead (another keyword) on 9 October 2005@11:17:30.
Catharine Roth (tweaked note, added cross-reference) on 20 May 2008@11:40:57.
David Whitehead (more keywords) on 22 January 2012@08:28:19.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 31 January 2015@07:57:40.
Catharine Roth (tweaked note) on 3 May 2015@23:35:20.


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