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Adler number: alpha,470
Translated headword: Adiabene
Vetting Status: high
Translation: This territory lies this side of
Mesopotamia, effectively at the source of the Tigris. In it there is bitumen which is called
naphtha. It is called Adiabene because there are rather large rivers in it[1] and it is hard to make the crossing [
diabasis]. Nineveh[2] is also there. The bitumen provides such a degree of security for the buildings that, once mixed with the baked bricks and brittle stones, it becomes harder than any iron. There too is the Birdless[3] cave, from which rises a terrible vapour, so that it kills every terrestrial animal and every bird that might happen to sniff it. And if [the vapour] were spread abroad, the place would not be inhabited, but straightway they go up and go off again a little way and catch their breath. And this is how both the [creatures] which fly on high and those that dwell all around are saved.
Also [sc. attested is the associated adjective]
Adiabenos ["Adiabenian"].
Greek Original:*)adiabhnh/: au(/th h( xw/ra kei=tai pro\ th=s *mesopotami/as w(s e)pi\ a)natolh\n pe/ran tou= *ti/grhtos. e)n au)th=| de/ e)sti kai\ a)/sfaltos h( legome/nh na/fqa. le/getai de\ *)adiabhnh\ dia\ to\ ei)=nai plei/ous potamou\s e)n au)th=| kai\ dusxereste/ran poiei=n th\n dia/basin. e)kei= e)sti kai\ h( *nineui/. tosau/thn de\ a)sfa/leian poiei= toi=s kti/smasin h( a)/sfaltos, w(/ste tai=s o)ptai=s pli/nqois kai\ toi=s leptoi=s li/qois summigei=sa i)sxurote/ra gi/netai panto\s sidh/rou. e)kei=se de/ e)sti kai\ to\ *)/aornon sto/mion, e)c ou(= deino\n pneu=ma a)nadi/dotai, w(/ste pa=n me\n e)pi/geion zw=|on, pa=n de\ pthno\n a)pofqei/rein kai\ ei) pro\s to\ tuxo\n o)sfrh/saito. kai\ ei) e)skeda/nnuto, ou)k a)\n w)|ki/sqh o( xw=ros, a)lla\ kat' eu)qei=an a)/neisi kai\ o)li/gon a)nerxo/menon pa/lin a)ntanakla=tai. kai\ e)k tou/tou ta/ te e)n u(yhlote/rw| peto/mena sw/|zetai, kai\ ta\ pe/ric nemo/mena. kai\ *)adiabhno/s.
The main paragraph of this entry is Preger (ed.),
Scriptores originum Constantinopolitanarum 151; cf.
alpha 4296.
On Adiabene, in present-day Iraq, see generally OCD(4) s.v. (p.12); Barrington Atlas map 91 grids E1 & 2/F1 & 2; and cf.
alpha 40.
[1] The two Zab rivers as well as the Tigris itself.
nu 415.
[3] For the same name applied to a different place see
alpha 2849.
Keywords: architecture; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; geography; historiography; science and technology; trade and manufacture; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 17 March 2001@00:26:43.
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