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Headword: *)afu/a e)s pu=r
Adler number: alpha,4660
Translated headword: anchovy into fire
Vetting Status: high
The proverb [is used] in reference to those who have a quick end; inasmuch as it happens that an anchovy cooks very quickly.[1]
It is said in the singular in Aristophanes in Broilers, a)fu/h;[2] but always [elsewhere] in the plural, ta\s a)fu/as.[3]
Also found is aphros ["cloud fish"] [so called] because of its whiteness.
It is also called engraulis ["grayling"] by many people.
Also [sc. attested is the phrase] a)fu/wn timh/ ["anchovies' honour"], [meaning] olive oil; since they will go well in it.[4]
Also [sc. attested are "Phalerian anchovies", [meaning] the big ones. Phalereus [is] a harbour of Attica.[5]
But it is said in the plural, very rarely [in the singular] a)fu/h.
Aristophanes [writes]: "he used to get everything he wished through [calling you] gleaming, having attached [to you] anchovies' honour."[6]
There are more kinds:[7] one is called the aphritis,[8] which is not born from procreation, but from the foam [aphros] floating at the surface of the sea. Another is called the kobitis ["little gudgeon"],[9] which is born from small and lowly gudgeons which are washed up on the sand; from these [there are] others, which are called e)gkrasi/xoloi. And another, which is a type of sprat, and another from the anchovy,[10] and another from small fish. The aphritis is the principal one.
"Apicius the gourmet[11] presented Nicomedes, the king of the Bithynians who was far from the sea and had his heart set upon anchovies, [with a dish] pretending it was a little fish like anchovies. But this was the preparation. He took a delicate turnip and cut this into long and slender [pieces], mimicking the appearance of the anchovy, and he boiled them in oil and poured on salt, sprinkled on poppy seeds, and satisfied his longing."[12]
Greek Original:
*)afu/a e)s pu=r: e)pi\ tw=n te/los o)cu\ lambano/ntwn h( paroimi/a: paro/son kai\ th\n a)fu/an ta/xista e(/yesqai sumbai/nei. e(nikw=s de\ para\ *)aristofa/nei le/getai e)n *taghnistai=s a)fu/h: a)ll' a)ei\ plhquntikw=s ta\s a)fu/as. le/getai de\ kai\ a)fro\s dia\ th\n leuko/thta. e)/sti de\ h( para\ pollw=n legome/nh e)/ggraulis. kai\ *)afu/wn timh/, to\ e)/laion: e)pei\ e)n au)tw=| e(/yontai. kai\ *)afu/as *falhrika/s: ta\s mega/las. *falhreu\s de\ limh\n *)attikh=s. plhquntikw=s de\ le/getai, spaniw/tata de\ a)fu/hn. *)aristofa/nhs: eu(/reto paneudi/ws ta\s lipara\s, a)fu/as timh\n peria/yas. e)/sti de\ ge/nh plei/ona: h( me\n a)fri=tis legome/nh, h(/tis ou) gi/netai a)po\ go/nou, a)ll' e)k tou= e)pipola/zontos th=| qala/tth| a)frou=. e(te/ra de/ e)stin h( legome/nh kwbi=tis, h(\ gi/netai e)k tw=n mikrw=n kai\ fau/lwn tw=n e)n th=| a)/mmw| ferome/nwn kwbiw=n: e)c au)th=s de\ e(/terai, ai(\ e)gkrasi/xoloi kalou=ntai. kai\ a)/llh, h(/tis e)sti\ ge/nos maini/dwn, kai\ a)/llh e)k th=s membra/dos, kai\ a)/llh e)k tw=n mikrw=n kestre/wn. e)/sti de\ prohgoume/nh h( a)fri=tis. o(/ti *nikomh/dei tw=| *biqunw=n basilei= a)fu/hs e)piqumh/santi kai\ makra\n o)/nti th=s qala/sshs, *)api/kios o( o)yofa/gos mimhsa/menos to\ i)xqu/dion pare/qhken w(s a)fu/as. h( de\ kataskeuh\ h)=n au(/th. qh/leian labw\n gogguli/da tau/thn e)/temen ei)s makra\ kai\ lepta\ th\n o)/yin th=s a)fu/hs mimou/menos, e)pize/sas e)/laion, e)pixe/as a(/las, mh/kwnas e)pipa/sas, e)/luse th\n e)piqumi/an.
cf. alpha 4659.
[1] Zenobius 2.32.
[2] Aristophanes fr. 506 Kock = 520 Kassel-Austin (already at alpha 1244), from a scholium on Aristophanes, Acharnians 640 (for which see below). Compare Athenaeus, Deipnosophists 3.96C (3.49 Kaibel), 7.284F (7.22 Kaibel). See also pi 461.
[3] Scholium on Aristophanes, Birds 76.
[4] On this phrase see further below.
[5] More exactly, 'Phalereus' is the demotikon of the harbour (and deme) Phaleron. See phi 46, and cf. phi 49.
[6] A garbled version of Aristophanes, Acharnians 640 (web address 1 below); correct at theta 433, and see also lambda 575.
[7] From Athenaeus, Deipnosophists 7.284F-285A (7.22 Kaibel).
[8] Cross-referenced at alpha 4650.
[9] Cross-referenced at kappa 2210.
[10] cf. mu 557.
[11] For Apicius, see already alpha 3207, alpha 3213, alpha 3214.
[12] From Athenaeus, Deipnosophists 1.7D-F (1.13 Kaibel), quoting a comic poet.
Associated internet address:
Web address 1
Keywords: biography; comedy; daily life; definition; dialects, grammar, and etymology; food; geography; proverbs; zoology
Translated by: Jennifer Benedict on 7 June 2001@04:36:58.
Vetted by:
David Whitehead (augmented notes; cosmetics) on 7 June 2001@06:46:37.
Catharine Roth (restorative cosmetics) on 29 August 2002@01:39:27.
David Whitehead (augmented notes; cosmetics) on 29 August 2002@03:17:50.
David Whitehead (augmented notes and keywords; tweaks and cosmetics) on 21 January 2007@07:23:19.
Catharine Roth (added cross-reference) on 14 January 2009@22:03:36.
Catharine Roth (tweaks, cross-reference) on 21 November 2010@01:00:06.
David Whitehead (tweaks and cosmetics) on 9 May 2012@03:35:34.
David Whitehead (expanded some refs) on 14 January 2015@04:30:41.
David Whitehead (updated a ref) on 25 January 2015@10:18:10.
Catharine Roth (cross-reference) on 1 January 2016@01:12:24.


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